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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Gossip, Deception and Kids Essay Writing Samples
Gossip, Deception and Kids Essay Writing Samples There are a fantastic number of theories concerning extraterrestrial life. Beginning with interesting truth about your subject will grab the eye it needs. If, for example, you're writing an essay on training a dog in 5 steps, do not incorporate the initial 3 steps in one paragraph and your own personal knowledge in the conclusion. It's called short essay in the feeling that the manner a certain topic is presented is congested but still focuses on the purpose of making the audience understand the entire point of the essay. In closing, don't forget that if you're teaching writing, you're teaching an art. In any case, it doesn't matter the degree of education of your essay. Furthermore, your students will also have a chance to observe how sentences are constructed, and what grammar constructions are employed in an essay. Furthermore, you should strengthen your grammar knowledge. What You Must Know About Kids Essay Writing Sample s Essay writing can be rather a challenge. One, we apply an extremely careful range of our writers. Essay writing skills is a tough and time-consuming job. Word Walls Find a good selection of resources. There are not any dates of publication in every one of the references. Tell them, that nobody will go on reading their essays should they do not mean it is eye-catchy and clear for a possible reader. At the site of any essay writing service, you'll locate terrific guidelines and samples of various kinds of papers. As soon as you've chosen your topic, the next thing to do is to brainstorm. When you compose a quick essay, you must try to remember that there are not any elements to be sacrificed. For each and every composition, there's a fundamental structure. The end result is a hurriedly written paper which might prove to be unimpressive. 4 Outline The previous issue to do before starting to compose an essay is to produce its outline. Reach to us when you desire a good example of creative writing. Thus, there are various ways an essay can be written. As you compose the essay, make sure that you've got an introduction that captures the interest of a reader. An essay has to be composed of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. As a writer, you compose an essay for any particular purpose. If you fret about the standard of your essay as well as you're worrying about whether you can discover a paper writer you may trust, you have arrived at the right location. Finally, your paper should have a suitable structure. Generally, students find it quite tricky to compose this portion of their essay, since they do not find out how to begin a bit of writing in order to draw readers' attention and inform them shortly about exactly what this essay is all about. Up in Arms About Kids Essay Writing Samples? Creative Essay writing is currently recognized among the most helpful activity for kids for their general personality development. To develop into an outstanding writer, you have to be creative. If you would like your kid to compose wonderful essays, you should motivate them to compose a good deal. Thus, you're in charge of that component of your child's education. You're able to employ your kid's preference for technology to inspire her or him to write. You may relish your time without having to be concerned about your grade. Don't forget to appreciate your time together and build a more powerful rapport with your children. Short essays are important when one is attempting to present an important topic without needing to compose a great deal of words or using numerous pages. Galleries give people an opportunity to demonstrate their work.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Discourse Analysis A Discourse Analyst - 1802 Words
Discourse analysis is another method that can be used to analyze topics regarding international relations. This theory uses multiple approaches to analyze any written or oral piece of communication to look for semiotics within. Usually the particularly communication being analyzed is of speeches, communiquà ©s, and press releases which are produced by world leaders and politicians. This analysis looks to find the meaning and significance behind the words being used. What is being said directly? What is actually meant? What tone is being used? Which words are being stressed? These are all important questions for a discourse analyst in undertaking a particular piece of communication. A discourse analyst will search for comparisons, themes,†¦show more content†¦Food security effects all nations where anyone has the risk of going hungry, not just because there is food. In May, 2017, Barack Obama gave an impactful speech on the subject of food security and climate change at th e Seed and Chips Global Food Innovation Summit (see Appendix 1). He discussed in great length the reality of how no country or group of people will be salvaged from the effects of climate change, and how the global food source is diminishing a great speed. The objective of his speech was to capitalize on the notion that food is an unavoidable link in the chain of development. It is necessary for social equality, education, health, growing economies and for the globe. There are many linguistic tools worth discussing that played a part in the effectiveness of this speech in mobilizing efforts for food security. In part of discursive theories, analysts want to understand how a certain actor is defining what the threat to security is, and what security really means. In this speech, Obama explains that the principle threat is climate change and implies that without climate change, we would not have the same amount of food insecurity that we do today. The reduction of clean water and the unpredictable changes in temperature has created stress on individual countries, and by domino effect, the world. Climate change is accelerated by the poor conditions we have chosen to meet our food production needs. He uses the example of meat productionShow MoreRelatedAn Investigation Of Verbal Communication1580 Words  | 7 Pagesand clarified. One of these is through explicative contrast from fairly comparable methodologies. The expression ‘Conversation Analysis’ is at this point solidly settled as the name for a specific worldview in the investigation of verbal communication that was started in the 1960s by Harvey Sacks, as a team with Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson. 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(Yatsko V.A, Integrational discourse analysis conception). Discourse analysis does not presuppose a bias towards the study of either spoken or written language (Stef Slembrouck as cited in Whittaker, O’Donnell, Hidalgo). Discourse is the conventional idea that writing and language is planned according to different patternsRead MoreUse Of Bourdieu s Theory On A Text And Context3401 Words  | 14 PagesIn this essay, I will focus on the role discourse plays in a text and context, I have chosen the IAB as the report to deconstruct using discourse analysis.â€Å"The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) is the trade association for online and mobile Ad. It promotes growth and the best practice for advertisers, agencies and media owners†(iabuk.net). With their main focus being on online advertisement, it is only fitting that the report is a reflection on how online advertisement works. 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The overall effect of these technological developments, according to many analysts, was a reduction in government control over information and a news media that was likely to be more aggressive and ‘off-message’. Within the media analyst Hoskins review titled â€Å"War and Media†he states that new technology, rather than empowering media and deepening our understanding of war has led only to a more trivial experienceRead MoreOne of the Main Divisions Between Mainstream and Critical Social Psychology Is That of the Methods Adopted. Discuss with Reference to the Cognitive Social and at Least One Other Social Psychological Perspective.1698 Words  | 7 Pagesstatistically valid conclusions. Discursive psychology focuses on the external world of discourse, its meaning and effects and studies the socially constructed, situated and contingent identity. It is a qualitative approach. It emerged in the 1970s with the linguistic turn, and was influenced by sociological social psychology. Researchers use discourse analysis to produce qualitative data by conversational and textual analysis. Phenomenological psychology focuses on the detailed description of socialRead MoreApplying A Mixed Methods For Choosing Text And Data Collection932 Words  | 4 Pagesand data collection are provided in 3.6, in addition to providing some background and contextual description and information about the texts and the audi-ence they are addressed to. In 3.5, I discuss the qualitative aspect represented by narrative analysis supported by highlighting the analytical focus when dealing with qualitative data in 3.7. The chapter ends with a summary section that refers back to the first section to locate the methodology and analytical procedures within the mixed method variousRead MoreCritique Of The Book General Essay1368 Words  | 6 Pageswith their economic, social and political advantages. 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For the analysand, the pleasure is in the telling: [T]he analyst is struck by a certain maniacal eroticization of speech, as if the patient were clinging to it, gulping it down
Monday, December 9, 2019
Personality analysis of donald trump free essay sample
This purpose of this paper is to demonstrate Donald Trump’s progression to the successful business executive and analyze the different personality factors that played a role in getting him to the position he is presently in. The points in this paper will extrapolate relations from psychodynamic, behavioural, and interpersonal psychological theories to highlight Trump’s aggressive tendencies, his grandiose ambitions, and leadership qualities, and explain why Trump is who he is. Firstly, an in-depth examination of Trump’s autobiographies, documentaries, and articles will be conducted in order to bring insight to his life experiences, and his relationship with his father. Secondly, the paper will analyze Trump’s experiences through the perspective of Adler’s superiority complex, Bandura’s social learning theory, as well as the interpersonal theories of personality to assist in understanding why Trump functions the way he does. Thirdly, the paper will emphasize the benefits of the three aforementioned perspectives and how they are advantageous in dissecting Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Personality analysis of donald trump or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Trump’s personality traits. Lastly, the paper will briefly mention the limitations of the three theories in representing the characteristics of Mr. Trump. Firstly, an exploration of Trump’s life experiences, and the relationship he had with his father will highlight experiences that contributed to his personality complexion. Trump was born in 1946, the fourth child of five children of Frederick and Mary Trump. Throughout the course of his childhood, Trump displayed a high aptitude for leadership, and demonstrated this in his relationships with family, friends, and peers. He also displayed very assertive and aggressive tendencies during elementary school, which resulted in his parents sending him to military school at the age of thirteen (Trump, 1987). It was here that Trump learned the art of ‘playing people’ and this would be an important contributor to his charismatic skills that are displayed in his later career. Trump idolized his father as a child, and he developed and matured under the strong influence of his father’s ideals (Trump, 1987). His father, being a successful real estate developer, played a prominent role in the development of Trump’s legacy. Trump worked for his father early on and joined the family business upon graduating from college. Trump spent much of his time in college reading the listings of Federal Housing Administration foreclosures, and this is how he came to obtain his first big project with his father (Trump, 1987). He came to learn that he could get the best deals purchasing foreclosed buildings through a government agency because they just wanted to get rid of the building as fast as possible. After working a few projects with his father, Trump decided he would expand his fortune by moving to Manhattan and develop real estate in a more opulent part of New York. Trump was very successful in his undertakings and made very important partnerships with Manhattan’s elite, and his empire grew at an exponential rate. While Trump enjoyed his intense, and luxurious success, it abruptly changed during the recession in the early 1990’s when Trump found himself billions of dollars in debt. Trump reports this to be the lowest moment he had ever encountered in his life (Trump, 2008). This may have been the bottommost of his career but he was resilient during the darkness of the recession, and did not stop his fight to gain back his empire. Secondly, an exploration of personality theories such as Adler’s superiority complex, Bandura’s social learning theory, and the Machiavellianism perspective of interpersonal theorists will be documented to bring forth connections in Trump’s psychological facades that are overtly displayed throughout his interactions with others. Mentioned earlier was Trump’s idolization of his father and his ambition to follow in his father’s footsteps and in order to gain his father’s approval, Trump had to succeed in his father’s business. In accordance with Alder’s theory of the superiority complex, Trump’s feelings of being inferior to his father are overcompensated for by a superiority complex. This meant Trump needed to overachieve, and go beyond the expectations his father had set forth in his company in order to mask his inferior feelings. Trump does not deny his tendency to overachieve and aim big with his projects. In fact, Trump states in his autobiography, The Art of the Deal, that he wanted to accomplish something â€Å"grander, more glamorous, and more exciting†than his father had achieved (Trump, 1987). Many of Trumps Manhattan developments reflect his grandiose ambitions, for example (find information about his first building). Another dimension of the superiority complex is a tendency to fawn on prominent people (Flett, 2007). When Trump first moved to Manhattan he was not known nor respected among the top business gurus in the real estate business. In order to advance himself socially and professionally, Trump had to surround himself in the inner circles of the Manhattan elite. He accomplished this by joining, Le Club, one of the â€Å"hottest and exclusive clubs†in the city (Trump, 1987). By surrounding himself with the wealthiest people in the city of Manhattan, Trump was able to establish himself socially and professionally, which led to many of the Manhattan elite purchasing the most expensive apartments in the Trump buildings (Trump, 1987). Trump has reported that he followed in his father’s footsteps, and expanded his empire off of the basic foundation that his father originally created. According to the social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura, behaviours that make up our personality are obtained through observational learning (Flett, 2007). Individuals learn and are shaped by the actions of the primary people in their environment and thus, are unconsciously molded to portray the behavioural characteristics of these primary figures. Trump idolized his father as a child, and he developed and matured under the strong influence of his father’s ideals (Trump, 1987). Many of Trump’s profound succeeding characteristics such as ambition, dedication, and aggression can also be viewed in his father. For this paper, the focus will be on one of Trumps dominant traits, aggression, and how his father fashioned this trait into him. A classic study was conducted by Bandura to demonstrate the effects of social learning on children. This study demonstrated that when children witnessed the aggressive behaviour of an adult on a doll they were subsequently much more aggressive (Flett, 2007). Trump has quoted his father as being a very resilient man as â€Å"tough as hell†(Trump, 1987). Trump was socialized in a home environment that promoted a hard-hitting attitude because it was the only way to succeed in a ‘dog eat dog world’. The final theory to be used in the analysis of Trumps personality and behavioural characteristics will be the Machiavellian personality style of the interpersonal theorists. According to the text, it is suggested that Machiavellian men will influence others through aggressive tactics as well as ingratiation for personal gain (Flett, 2007). Mr. Trump has demonstrated a tough-minded strategy throughout many of his projects, leading to his successful advances in the real estate business. First off, many of his projects began as a result of him seizing property from floundering proprietors, which can be viewed as rather domineering because he is advancing at a time when these landowners have very limited options. For example, Trump was able to purchase what is now one of the most successful hotel casinos in the world by patiently awaiting the downfall, and inability for a fellow real estate developer, Barron Hilton to complete his project (Trump, 1987). Hilton began the construction of his casino only to find his plans to be short lived due to difficulty obtaining a gambling license for his building. Trump targets the weaknesses and failures of others in order to advance his successes. His ruthless technique is practical in the sense that he gets the best deal by swooping in at just the right time to make a big purchase. Trump’s Machiavelli nature is also exposed in the influential documentary about his recent development of the golf course in Scotland. Trump purchased land in Scotland, which was associated with some of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe, and promised that with the development of his golf course he would bring over six thousand jobs to the local community (Takeaway, 2013). His promise to bring economic prosperity to the community reflects the ingratiation that is common amongst Machiavellians. The assurance to ease the strife of unemployment is a tactic Trump used because he gathered local support in order to succeed in the development of his project. Thirdly, this paper will highlight the contributions of Adler’s theory of the superiority complex, the Machiavellian theory of interpersonal theorists, and Bandura’s social learning theory. Each of the three theories highlights the important personality characteristic of Donald Trump and all are helpful in explaining his behaviours. Lastly, the limitations of using the three above-mentioned theories must be noted to prevent the establishment of immature conclusions on Trumps personality characteristics.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Willy Russell Educating Rita Essay Example
Willy Russell Educating Rita Essay The play is about a working class hairdresser from Liverpool, that wants to be educated, hence the title Educating Rita. Her tutor, Frank is an English lecturer who is teaching in the Open University for the money. The play is set in Franks office. Frank and Rita in the beginning have a teacher pupil relationship that changes to friendship, and subsequently turns back to teacher pupil and towards the end back to friendship. The play is staged with only two main parts and on one set. This allows the audience to become closer to the two characters easier because they are the only characters shown. This means that the audience had to imagine the other characters. The film however has many sets and a more characters, it also gives more of an insight to the working class and middle class home life. I preferred the play because it had a superior dialogue and didnt stray to far from the main point of the play. Our first impressions of Frank are that he is an alcoholic, who hides his drink. Jubilantly he moves to the Dickens section and pulls out a pile of books to reveal a bottle of whisky. He takes the bottle from the shelf and goes to the small table by the door and pours himself a large slug into the mug is his hand. We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Russell Educating Rita specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Russell Educating Rita specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Russell Educating Rita specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Frank has taken on the Open University work to pay for his drink. It is also obvious from the out set that Frank is middle class, this is shown by his profession, a university lecturer, his speech, standard English and his food, lamb and ratatouille. He also shows his lack of will power when he breaks his promise not to smoke. Frank is very cynical about the education system and has a dry humour. He is almost always apathetic about life; encased in his own environment, his office and his senses become dulled. This is shown when Rita first comes to Franks office and notices the religious painting on the wall and describes it as erotic to which Frank replies, Actually I dont think Ive looked at it for about ten years, He doesnt take notice of his surroundings. In contrast, Rita is a working class hairdresser from Liverpool who decides to take on an English Open University Course to discover herself and to improve her way of life. In the first scene Rita bursts into Franks office and this has a dramatic effect. Rita has a good sense of humour, which keeps the play more interesting at the beginning. She is also assertive, however she sometimes puts herself down because of her lack of formal education. Ritas language is full of slang and swearing. So y switch it off an say, thats fuckin rubbish. Rita believes that the course she is doing will be the key to changing her life. The relationship between Frank and Rita starts at a teacher pupil basis, Rita begins the relationship with high expectations, she assumes that Frank the lecturer will have all the answers and this comes from the fact that she isnt educated, she doesnt come from an educated background. However Rita tests Franks intellectual talents to the full. She always wants an explanation and justification for everything he says. Frank and Rita get on so well because they are different. To Frank Rita is like a breath of fresh air, very natural and down to earth, compared to Frank who is a disillusioned, apathetic, battered university lecturer. But they are both unhappy about the situation that they are in. Rita has a failing marriage with a husband that wants her to have a baby, and Frank his unhappy with everything in his life. However Ritas freshness and appetite for learning and knowledge inspires Frank, he also finds her attractive, intelligent and he enjoys her company. So he invites Rita to his dinner party, he also feels that she will enjoy meeting new people; he never thinks how Rita would really feel being surrounded by middle class educated people. Rita on the other hand is partly excited about it and also apprehensive. In the end Rita does not go to the party because she thinks she brought the wrong wine, or so she said, and would not be able to converse with Franks middle class friends at their level. But I dont wanna be charming and delightful: funny, whats funny? I dont wanna be funny, I wanna talk seriously with the rest of you, I dont wanna spend the night taking the piss, comin on with the funnies because thats the only way I can get into the conversation. I dont want to come to your house just to play the court jester. She thinks that she is a half-caste stuck between working and middle class, not quite fitting into either. For Rita Act One ends on a very negative note, her marriage is finished. This came about because Ritas husband Denny wanted a baby and Rita did not, also Denny wanted Rita to stop going to the O. U course. Denny gives an ultimatum do as he says or leave. Frank and Rita both know that Rita will have to change to be able to write essays that will pass an examination. This will affect the relationship because Frank doesnt want to change Rita but Rita wants Frank to help change her, so it is inevitable that there would be a clash of wills. When Rita comes back from the O. U summer school she is more mature. Frank however is surprised that Rita has changed this much. Rita has gained a larger vocabulary at the summer school and begins to speak more objectively which is what Frank described the language of education to be. Well any analogy will break down eventually. The relationship has developed from the original teacher pupil status to a firm friendship that, as Frank knows, will inevitably have to end. Trishs is Ritas flat mate and has a large influence on Rita; this is shown when Trish tells Rita to talk in Standard English, which she does (to Franks annoyance). Trishs influence also causes Rita to gain confidence, so Rita begins to talk to the proper students. Rita, Yeh, I got here early today. I started talking to some students down on the lawn. Frank, You were talking to students down there? During Act 2 it is shown that, as Ritas life becomes better Franks is becoming worse. He enters scene 3 drunk, after students had complained about him being drunk in a lecture. Rita on the other hand is becoming more educated. Towards the end of the play Rita says that she doesnt need Frank, that she didnt need to hold his hand anymore. This shows that Rita is becoming more independent from Frank, this distanced the pair. Frank asks if Rita wants to stop coming to the tutorials because even without him she would sail through the exam. The audience feels sorry for Frank all through this scene. The end of scene 6 is a low point in the relationship because Rita and Frank arent in direct contact with each other and so the relationship is deteriorating. Frank at the end of the play is being sent to Australia for his crimes and he is still apathetic about the whole affair. Rita however is slightly more depressed with the attempted suicide of her flatmate and Frank leaving. Rita changing her name back to Susan is significant because it shows how she has grown up over the course of the play and that she now knows that changing her name was a silly thing to do. Frank is going to Australia for repeated drinking on campus and his punishment is reduced from the sack to a sabbatical to Australia. Rita plans to either go to France with Tyson, go to her mothers for Christmas or have a baby. These choices reveal that she is still indecisive. I think Russells message is that however well together people seem you cant really tell whats going on inside. For example, you could be a well paid businessman or woman who has a spouse, 2 kids, car and a roof over your heads a perfect life, and still want to kill yourself. The play ends on a happy note with a sad undertone. With the friendship between Frank and Rita back to normal, but with Franks leaving and Trishs suicide attempt ending it as a mix of the two. Russell uses humour to soften the blow that could be caused by tackling class, political and social issues, and the different ways the different classes deal with these issues. The first part of the play is funnier because the differences between Frank and Rita are more prominent. The play ends on a funny note with Rita giving Frank a haircut and cutting him.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Example
Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Example Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Bodily functions in Lilliput Essay Essay Topic: Catching Fire Bodily functions in Lilliput BY GabrtelaGM Bodily Functions in Lilliput Swifts satirical work, Gullivers Travels, tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon that by way of sea travels finds himself in four different, amazing lands. First: a land of six-inch tall human-like beings. Secondly: a land of giants. Thirdly: a floating island. Fourthly: a land ruled by thinking and talking horses. For the purpose of this essay, I will only take into consideration the first of these four voyages. Gulliver finds himself stranded in a beach, tied by hundreds of tiny wires. Surrounding him are tiny creatures holding this wires. One can only imagine the fear the Lilliputians must have felt at the sight of such a giant. However, slowly but surely, they start to take a liking to this enormous man. They sharewith him their culture, their food, and provide him with a house. There are two main instances, during this first Journey, in which we are faced head- on with bodily functions. The first of these is when Gulliver describes how, after rriving to his new house in Lilliput for the first time; he had a major bowel movement: l had been for some hours extremely pressed by the necessities of nature; which was no wonder, it being almost two days since I had last disburdened myself. I was under great difficulties between urgency and shame. The best expedient I could think of, was to creep into my house, which I accordingly did; and shutting the gate after me, I went as far as the length of my chain would suffer, and discharged my body of that uneasy load. He goes on to say that, after this first so uncleanly an action, he would go outside any time he had this basic human need. Of course the excrement, which was of an equally impressive size a Gulliver compared to the Lilliputians, could not be left outside his house to pollute the air around it. Servants would come every day with wheel-barrows to remove this waste. The second time we are faced with a bodily function is the very point in which Gullivers favor with the people of Lilliput really started to go downhill. He had been among these people for while, when one night he was informed that the Queens quarters were on fire. He runs to help and realizes the entire castle is in danger of catching fire. Seeing no manner of assisting, he suddenly remembers that he had a lot of wine to drink that evening and that he hadnt yet discharged any of it. The heat I had contracted by coming very near the flames, and by laboring to quench them, made the wine begin to operate by urine; which I voided in such a quantity, and applied so ell to the proper places, that in three minutes the fire was wholly extinguished, and the rest of that noble pile, which had cost so many ages in erecting, preserved from destruction. In this manner he does save the castle from becoming a pile of ashes, but by doing so he also gets the undying hate of the Queen, who is understandably appalled that a man urinated all over her rooms. We can see, from these two examples of the role Swift gives to bodily functions in reader uncomfortable or even disgusted, all for the purpose of assisting the satire.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Predicting the 20 Most Populous Countries in 2050
Predicting the 20 Most Populous Countries in 2050 In 2017, the UN Population Division released a revision of its World Population Prospects, a regularly-issued report that analyzes world population changes and other world demographics, estimated out to 2100. The recent report revision noted that the world population increase has slowed a bit, and is expected to continue to slow, with an estimated 83 million people added to the world every year. Population Overall Grows The United Nations forecasts the global population to reach 9.8 billion in the year 2050, and growth is expected to continue until then, even assuming that the decline in fertility would increase. An aging population overall causes fertility to decline, as well as women in more developed countries not having the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman. If the fertility rate of a country is lower than the replacement rate, population declines there. The world fertility rate was 2.5 as of 2015 but declining slowly. By 2050, the number of people over age 60 will more than double, as compared with 2017, and the number over 80 will triple. Life expectancy worldwide is projected to rise from 71 in 2017 to 77 by 2050. Overall Continent and Country Changes by 2050 More than half of the forecast growth in world population will come in Africa, with an estimated rise in population of 2.2 billion. Asia is next. Asia is expected to add more than 750 million people between 2017 and 2050. Next are the Latin America and Caribbean region, then North America. Europe is the only region anticipated to have a lower population in 2050 as compared with 2017. India is expected to pass China in population in 2024, Chinas population is projected to stay stable and then to slowly fall, while Indias is rising. Nigerias population is growing the most quickly and is forecast to take over the United States number three position in world population around 2050. Fifty-one countries are projected to see a decline in population by 2050, and ten are estimated to drop by at least 15 percent, though many of them are not largely populated. The percentage per person is higher than in a country with a large population, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (territory counted independently from the United States population). The least-developed countries grow more quickly than those with mature economies, but also send more people as immigrants to the more developed nations. What Goes Into the List Following is a list of the 20 most populous countries in the year 2050, presuming there are no significant boundary changes. Variables that go into the projections include trends in fertility and its rate of decline over the next decades, infant/child survival rates, numbers of adolescent mothers, AIDS/HIV, migration, and life expectancy. Largest Populations by Country in 2050 India: 1,659,000,000 China: 1,364,000,000Nigeria: 411,000,000United States: 390,000,000Indonesia: 322,000,000Pakistan: 307,000,000Brazil: 233,000,000Bangladesh: 202,000,000Democratic Republic of the Congo: 197,000,000Ethiopia: 191,000,000Mexico: 164,000,000Egypt: 153,000,000Philippines: 151,000,000 Tanzania: 138,000,000Russia: 133,000,000Vietnam: 115,000,000Japan: 109,000,000 Uganda: 106,000,000Turkey: 96,000,000Kenya: 95,000,000 Source World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, June 21, 2017.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economics and Economic Change Macroeconomics Essay
Economics and Economic Change Macroeconomics - Essay Example Although globalization is hard to define, when one considers the lives of more than one-fifth of the population of the world, earning less than $1 per day, at stake, it is necessary to address the impacts of globalization. Globalization has increased the income gap in countries such as Pakistan where the government has been unable to keep updated with the latest technological advancements and financial integration (Danacica, 2005). Where globalization implies greater opportunities for economical advancement and progress, it cannot assuage the chances of growing inequalities and cultural uniformity. Moreover it fails to deliver equal advantages to all countries. Markets give reward to those who are well-equipped with appropriate capital, labor and entrepreneurial skills (South Center, 2006). In countries not equipped sufficiently, including those â€Å"under transition†, are harmed by globalization. The impact of globalization on these countries renders environmental issues, so cial disputes and immigration tendencies in them (Danacica, 2005). The integration of markets and the easy flow of capital along with the rapid popularity surge of the internet have contributed to an increase in the demand for skills than as compared to their supply (South Center, 2006). In countries where demand and returns for skills are high, people from other countries will be encouraged to immigrate there. Immigration from the skilled individuals from poorest countries also increases the resultant inequality, since the correct asset for today’s individual is higher education. Another argument presented by critics is that markets are not perfect and there are chances of their failure. One such failure of the market system is pollution, where the polluter can get away with pollution without being accountable for the complete costs of pollution. For instance, the environmental costs of greenhouse gas emissions of the US are levied on poorer countries.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critiques of Management Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Critiques of Management Theories - Assignment Example This paper therefore gives an account of certain management theories by providing a detailed critique on each and how they affect organizational management. Additionally, the theories are going to be discussed in correspondence to the contributions of Frederick Taylor and Max Weber, and how they would have perceived each of these theories. Before getting into the main discussion of these management theories, foremost of all, Taylor’s and Weber’s contributions will thus be looked at briefly as discussed below. Frederick Taylor’s contributions to organizational management are considered very instrumental in changing the perceptions and approach to management. Taylor came up with what is known as scientific management. The theory is credited for the belief that it would improve the working environment by motivation employees through remuneration and maintaining that managers should concentrate on activities that promote worker’s cooperation. Weber on the othe r hand developed principles that came to be known as ideal bureaucracy which mostly insisted on the division of labor and specialization, positive relationship and competency as the key tools for effective management (Rainey, 2011). The Hawthorne Studies The Hawthorne studies were an analysis which was conducted between 1927 and 1932 at Western Electric’s Hawthorne Company in Cicero, Illinois. Several research teams engaged in the study including Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger from Harvard faculty members and William Dickson the head of Hawthorne’s employee relations research division. The study was focused on the effects of different levels of lighting on the productivity by controlling the lighting in the area in which the employees work. These were known as the physical and environmental influences of the workplace. The lighting or illumination studies also focused on the psychological aspects such as how lighting manipulates group pressure, leadership and team work. The employee’s group productivity was assessed and compared with that of another employee group whose lighting was left unaltered. The findings were that as illumination was increased in the experimental employee group, productivity also improved. This was suggested that it was due to the impact of the motivational effect on the workers as they were pleased by the attention from the researchers and as a result of the interests being shown in them during the study. Regardless of the experiment, one reasonable conclusion is that the productivity of the other group not exposed to lighting continued to increase considerably. The illumination studies after a while was therefore short-lived, but its evaluation effect is still practiced to date. These findings thus become the contributing factors to the strengths and weaknesses of the Hawthorne effect. The strength of this study is that it is surely a tool that gives a framework which can be used to increase the productivity o f workers within an organizational set-up through the motivation of workers, appreciating their work input and output, and maintaining quality working environments. This can be applied in today’s hospitals and healthcare systems, by improving the working conditions and work environments of medical staff and other personnel. Additionally, it enhances motivation on medical workers when consistent positive changes are made in the working environment, thereby enhancing work behavior and quality service delivery from hospitals and the health care systems. On the contrary, the weaknesses of the study are that as much as it
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Pizza Industry Essay Example for Free
The Pizza Industry Essay Strengths: ? Pizza is a food item loved and consumed by majority of the people in the world. This is proved by the figures shown in the slides before. ? Pizza outlets provide good taste, quality products with qualified staff, good atmosphere and hygienic environment. Motivation level of staff stays high which make the pizzerias more prosperous. Weaknesses: ? The Pizza outlets provide less range of products and they are usually high priced except for some other reasonable alternatives. In the Indian context, except for some new variants, they focus more on Western taste instead of Eastern. Opportunities: ? New markets can be explored and new opportunities can be sought. Diversification of products can increase their market share. They can reduce their prices because of more resources. They could also incorporate other service models in their structure. Threats: ? New entrants in the market can affect their market share. ? Other local restaurants can affect their market share by providing pizzas with lower price. ? Pizza Hut †¢ Founded in 1958. †¢Parent Company: Yum! Brands. †¢Pizza Hut â€Å"Bistro††¢Pizza Hut Express and â€Å"The Hut†? Place †¢ 12,500 restaurants across 91 countries. †¢147 stores across 35 cities in India †¢Mostly in higher income zone ? Products ? Price †¢ Range: 65 485 †¢Coupon worldwide and gift cards in developed countries †¢Pan 4 all ? Promotion †¢C. H. A. M. P. S (Cleanliness, Hospitality, Accuracy, Maintenance, Product quality and Speed) †¢3F? s ( Fun, Friendly and Familiar) †¢ Sponsored Back to the Future II †¢ MySpace Ted campaign †¢ Endorsed by Lara Dutta. Pizza Hut – BCG Matrix 1)P? Zone, from Calzone Garlic Cheese Bread 2)The Pan Pizza 3)Thin n Crispy 4)Dipping Strips ? Pizza Hut Target Markets ? Target audience is basically anyone and everyone who loves to eat pizzas. Age group of 12 to 30. Pizza has long been targeted to families, because of its ambience and the environment it offers in all its outlets. ? ? Ad Campaigns ? ? ? ? ? ? ? First Ad – about sharing Australia – 1980? s „Welcome Back? campaign Mexico – The Tomato sauce dip along with the pizza The „Great Indian Treat? „Full Punjabi? Roped in Ringo Starr for the campaign Pizza hut in the iphone !!!! ? Papa John’s †¢ Proven, streamlined operating system. †¢World-class franchise support and business consulting ? Place †¢ 3,400 restaurants worldwide †¢ Papa Johns is in all 50 states of US and approximately 40 international markets. †¢ High Income zone ?Products †¢ 4 different size of Pizza †¢24 Types of Pizza †¢6 Types of Starters †¢3 Types of pasta †¢4 Types of Salads ? Price †¢ Range: 85 – 495 †¢Offers and coupons ? Promotion †¢ Online Marketing †¢ B2B Mobile Marketing †¢ CEO in advertisement â€Å"People Are Priority Always†? Domino’s Pizza †¢ Founded in 1960. †¢ Entered India in 1996. †¢8500 outlets across 55 countries. †¢250 outlets in India †¢USP- Quick Home delivery ? Products †¢Pizza (Available in 3 sizes and various tastes) †¢Garlic Bread †¢Pasta †¢Veg calojne †¢chicken wings †¢Sandwiches †¢ desserts ? Price †¢Price Range- Rs 35 to Rs 430. †¢Barbell Strategy of Pricing †¢Various combo offers ? Place †¢256 outlets in India †¢All major cities of India †¢Located in Malls and Posh areas †¢Outlets strategically placed to serve the home delivery in 30 minutes †¢Four outlets in Ahmedabad †¢Focus on Home delivery ? Promotion †¢Initially focused their ad strategy on banners, hoardings . †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Hungry Kya campaign †¢Tie up with MTNL – Hunger Helpline †¢Database based direct mailing strategy. †¢Localized taste †¢30 minutes home delivery. †¢Online Orders. †¢Advertisement by celebrities ? Domino? s Target audience ? Target Audience: ? Consumers who belong to the age group of 14 35 years ? People who love fast food and have been exposed to the western style of eating ? People who are upwardly mobile and on-the-go Ad Campaigns ? 1989 „One call does it all? Delivery in 30 minutes ? ? „Pizzamania? Chinese Pizza Fun Meal @ 45 /- ? ? †¢Most popular Pizza Outlet in Ahmedabad †¢ Started in 1999 in Ahmedabad †¢ By Sankalp Group of Restaurants †¢ Presence in Rajasthan and Gujarat †¢ USP- Unlimited Buffet †¢ Focus on American Taste of Pizza ? Products †¢ Soups †¢ Pizza (available in 3 sizes and variety of tastes) †¢ Garlic Bread †¢ Salad ( 34 types of salad) †¢Deserts? Price †¢Price for Pizza ranges from Rs 60 to Rs 335 †¢ Differential pricing for Unlimited Buffet at Rs 99. †¢Strategy focuses on high volume of sales at low margin. †¢Various combo offers called Meal Deals ? Place †¢Located in 7 cities of Gujarat and Rajasthan. †¢ Total number of outlets – 9 †¢ 3 outlets in Ahmedabad. †¢Located at Posh areas of cities. †¢ Express outlets at Maninagar ? Promotion †¢Unlimited Buffet in lunch and dinner is a big hit. †¢Design your own pizza. †¢Ambience based on American theme. †¢Increasing the number of outlets. †¢ Free home delivery. †¢Kids Birthday Party Offer. †¢More Variety of Food. ? One special mention from Tanzania ? Marketing through blogs http://vishalacharya. wordpress. com ? Business to a range of other products ? Emerging Players ? Papa John? s Pizza Express ? ? Vieira Pizza California Pizza Kitchen Largento? s Pizza. ? ? ? California Pizza Kitchen †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ A casual dining chain with 252 restaurants Signed franchise agreements with two partners It expects to open a minimum of 15 restaurants Premium restaurants targeting High End Customers It has 27 existing restaurants around the globe This Los Angeles-based chain is known for its unconventional menu items ? E-Pizza ? It will be placed in the food and entertainment business. Triangle shaped pizza kid? s meal called the E-Meal Custom line of distinguishable Mini Coopers delivering pizzas and movies ? ? ? Additional data Frequency for Pizza Deciding factor for Pizza 6% 16% 12% 10% 21% Every two weeks Once a month 51% Once two month Once three month 17% 8% 4% 8% Cost Quality of Pizza Quality of Service 47% Queue Location/proximity Brand Ambience ? Additional data Preferred Complimentary With Pizza 0% 16% 14% Ice cream Cold drink Salad 70% Other 10% 0% 21% 57% 8% Preferred Outlet 4% Pizza hut. Uncle Sams Dominos Papa jones US Pizza No specific ? Interesting Facts ? Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza EACH DAY, or about 350 slices per second. There are approximately 69,000 pizzerias in the United States. Pizzerias represent 17% of all restaurants. (Source: Food Industry News) Pizza accounts for more that 10% of all foodservice sales. (Source: Food Industry News. ) 93% of Americans eat AT LEAST one pizza per month. (Source: Bolla Wines. ) 66. 66% of Americans order pizza for a casual evening with friends. (Source: Bolla Wines. ) ? ? ? ? ? ? Interesting Facts? Each man, woman and child in America eats and average of 46 slices, (23 pounds), of pizza per year. (Source: Packaged Facts, New York. ) Italian food ranks as the most popular ethnic food in America. (Source: National Restaurant Association. ) A study done by a U. S. Department of Agriculture statistician and home economist found that in a three-day survey period, 42% of children between the ages of 6 and 11 had eaten pizza. (Source: Smithsonian Magazine. ) 94% of the population of the U. S. eats pizza. (Source: Parade Magazine. ) ? ? ? ?Link to see pizzerias around the world http://www. business. com/directory/f ood_and_beverage/restaurants_and_ foodservice/restaurant_chains/pizza/ ? References †¢Industry Facts. Retrieved August 8, 2009, from Wikipedia: http://pizzaware. com/facts. htm †¢Advertisements of other brands. Retrieved August 8, 2009, from Wikipedia: http://www. pmq. com/index. php †¢Pizza. Retrieved August 8, 2009, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pizza †¢History of Pizza. Retrieved August 8, 2009, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/History_of_pizza †¢Pizza. Retrieved August 8, 2009, from All Facebook Interview: http://www. allfacebook. com/2009/02/pizza-hut-facebook/ †¢Pizza Hut from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pizza_Hut †¢Pizza Hut Celebrates Successful Delivery to Space from space. com: http://www. space. com/news/spacestation/space_pizza_010522. html †¢Papa John’s: www. papajohnsindia. com †¢Pizza Hut: www. pizzahut. co. in †¢Papa Johns Pizza from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Papa_John%27s_Pizza ? References †¢Industry Facts. Retrieved August 18, 2009, from Wikipedia: http://pizzaware. com/facts. htm, http://www. pizzamarketplace. com/ †¢Advertisements of other brands. Retrieved August 18, 2009, from Wikipedia: http://www. franchisedirect. com/foodfranchises/pizzafranchises †¢Pizza. Retrieved August 18, 2009, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pizza †¢Current scenario of The Pizza Industry . Retrieved August 18, 2009, from http://www. pizzatoday. com/ †¢Pizza references and updates. Retrieved August 18, 2009, from http://ask. reference. com/information/Food_and_Drinks/Pizza-Industry †¢Snapshot of the Pizza Industry. Retrieved August 18, 2009, from http://www. franchisedirect. com/foodfranchises/pizzafranchises/ Time to go and grab a bite !
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Comparison of Corrupt Kings in Shakespeares Henry IV and Richard II
A successful monarchy relies upon a stable leader who is concerned with the satisfaction of those he rules over. Henry Bolingbroke the IV in Shakespeare's Henry the IV Part I follows a trend set by his predecessor in Richard II of self-indulgence and neglect of his kingdom. These leaders worry about the possibility of losing their kingdom or their soldiers to other nobles who were also concerned more with obtaining a higher position rather than governing. The king must also be wary of his own life, something that was once revered and guarded closely by other nobles. Wars once fought for gaining or protecting land are overshadowed by personal battles fighting for the position of king. Henry proved himself a powerful and fearless leader when he forcefully overthrew King Richard despite the divine rights bestowed upon him. While this was disruptive to the country, it appeared that this new leader would be successful because of confidence and military strength. However, shortly after he obtained his position, Henry became aware of the forces pulling the king away from his duties. He fails to either ignore or eliminate these distractions and becomes absorbed in them instead; "It seems then that the tidings of this broil/Brake off our business." (Henry, I, i, 47-48). Unfortunately, the king is not the only one neglecting the country. Most of the nobles realize their potential for additional power after the throne has been usurped. This disease, known as neglect, spreads through the ruling class unnoticed by the inflicted. John of Gaunt is one of the few nobles to see what the English peasants have seen; "That England that was wont to conquer others / Hath made a shamef ul conquest of itself." (Richard, II, i, 69-70). John of Gaunt sc... ...bination which proved to be impossible. Works Cited and Consulted Barber, C.L. "Rule and Misrule in Henry IV." William Shakespeare: Histories and Poems. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 143-167. Bloom, Harold. Richard II, Part One: Bloom's Notes. New York: Chelsea House, 1996. Cruttwell,Patrick. Hernry IV. Shakespeare For Students, Vol. II. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1999. Kantor, Andrea. Henry IV, Part One. London: Baron's Education Series, Inc, 1984. Princiss, G.M. Richard II Criticism. Shakespeare For Students, Vol.II. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1999. Shakespeare, William. Richard II The Norton Shakespeare. Ed Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997. Shakespeare, William. Henry IV. In The Norten Anthology of English Literature. Eds. M.H. Abrams et all. 5th Ed. New York: Norton, 1987.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Health care profession
Health care professionals are doctors , nurses, surgeons and many more . Did you know that there are 13 characteristics of a health care professional, there is Empathy , Honesty, Dependability, Willingness to learn , Patience , Acceptance of critism , Enthusiasm, Self motivation, Tact , Competence, Responsibility , Team Player and Feedback. These characteristics are important to doctors , nurses , and surgeons because they need to understand the patients , they also need to be honest and patient wit them . Doctors ,nurses, and surgeons need these things to ucceed and accomplish their tasks .They also need to make the patients feel comfortable , they the need to let the patients know that they can count on them to do their Job and that their safe and secure with them . ln order for them to do these things their suppose to be fully trained ,or have a certification or have a license to work in the field of a health care. A good health care professional has communication skills which inc ludes speaking and listening to patients with this the doctor will be able to understand what the patients need. Health care is a vitual service that ouches the lives of millions of people at significant times like birth , illness, and death .Some injustices that doctors do is that when patients go through surgery , doctors tells the patients that there is no guarantee if you will get better or not ,or if you will survive or not or die with in surgery and some times doctors make patients sign a contract saying they have nothing to do with the death . 1 think this is injustice because when the doctors have no other way curing the patients they leave the patient there to die. It is Just sad seeing the doctor has no more options to save the patient lite .Some data snows that many people do not do not receive the right care ,or receive unnecessary harmful care. How do you have a good effect on patients ? If you want to have a good effect on patients you first need to take good care of t hem and show them that you care. The patient need to know and feel safe in the hands of whom its being taken care by, so it can be able to trust itself and the caretaker. Patients should be handled gently and not with force. If they need to take medicine shouldn't be by force or they might try to kill themselves because they feel harm is being done to them.Doctors should try their best to help a patient be cured ,or at least show the patient there is some hope instead making them feel death is near. The doctors should also try to make the patients feel better and to let them be treated fairly. In the movie Patch Adams it shows that a man named Patch wanted to become a doctor so he can help and understand patients. In the movie Patch was very patient , he was responsible for many patients that needed treatment and also took good care of them. .Patch had self motivation , that he would become a doctor no matter what .Patch had and used all of the characteristics hat a doctor should us e or have.. He helped patients smiled and laughed again. Patch had a big imagination that one day his dreams would come true and it did . As a doctor Patch was. , honest ,patient, tact , responsible ,discretion, he had acceptance of criticism, he was willing to learn , and he was enthusiasm. Patch loved being there for patients and helping them, he wanted to become the best doctor the world has ever seen. And most of all, Patch was a doctor who not only helped people and made them smiled but he showed them to always have a little bit of fun no matter how old you are.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cocacola Company
The Coca-Cola Company Name Institution The Coca-Cola Company The Coca-Cola Company deals with the manufacture of beverages that are non-alcoholic. The Coca-Cola Company has over four hundred brands in many countries of the world. The Company is responsible for manufacturing, distribution and marketing of the beverage product. It uses a franchised system of distribution where the concentrated syrup is sold to bottlers that are in most countries (Coca Cola Company & Quality Information Publishers, 2007). The refreshment Company is Centralized with Human Resource staff that are highly experienced.Centralization in the company helps improve employee’s relation and benefits the consultants (Hays, 2004). The Coca-Cola Company has a mission of refreshing the world, inspiring moments of optimism and creating value as well as making a difference. The vision of the Company states what the Company aims at achieving. The Company has an emphasis on the customers, partners, portfolio, profi t making and productivity of the Company (Foster, 2008). The Company uses a multi-divisional matrix because of its huge size and scope of operation. Coca-Cola Company has many International staffs in the separate International Divisions that it owns.They are all isolated from the main head office as they are located in Africa, Europe, Pacific, Latin and North America. These divisions are further divided according to the geographical location. This is crucial since it helps in decision making at the local level of the region (Isdell & Beasley, D, 2011). When decisions about the Company product are made at the local level, the Coca-Cola Company is able to change with the demands in the market. Such an organizational structure is effective for a big Company. Coca-Cola Company has close-fitting operations that are operated from the head office.The organizational structure of Coca-Cola Company is aimed at meeting the sensitivity of the market in the region where the Company is located (K alapos, 2006). The organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Company is designed to fulfill its own requirements. There both formal and policies and rules within the Company. The structure helps in the facilitation of communication and authority within the Company (Hays, 2004). For the organizational structure of Coca-Cola Company to be effective, it should clarify employees’ responsibilities so as to eliminate any possible obstacles.Designing the organizational structure of Coca-Cola Company is the process since all resources must be coordinated in an effective way. This helps curb competition in the environment where Coca-Cola Company is located. The structure is required to be flexible, constantly change and evolve with the changes in the environment. Coca-Cola Company organizational design in any region of the world needs to learn faster, execute its roles quickly and change easily for it to maintain and increase its market share in the area (Hays, 2004).The Coca-Cola Com pany fins benefits in standardization because of the many acquisitions that are made by the company. It does not use local policies but uses shared policies for the entire company. This is aimed at ensuring that the customer experience is similar for their interaction. Standardization in the company helps in retention and recruitment. The idea of hiring highly motivated and competent personnel to work in the company is an emerging issue. It is crucial for the company to have skilled employees for success reasons (Isdell & Beasley, D, 2011).Coca-Cola Company has mass production, and it must hence use mechanized structures for efficient production. The Coca-Cola Company does not produce the end products, but it distributes the concentrated syrup to bottlers to sell the product. To boost the Company performance, the lower management has been involved in the company’s activities, and this instills a sense of responsibility to them. Coca-Cola Company has worked out on ways aimed a t reducing bureaucracy and speed the process of decision making. (Coca Cola Company & Quality Information Publibhers, 2007).Decision making within the company is done through incremental process where it does not readily decide on the creation of new products (Hays, 2004). The decision making process within Coca-Cola Company can be termed as unstructured since the model involves those in the lower management even in decision making (Hays, 2004). Unstructured decision making is useful to the Company as it helps in solving problems and decision making process within the company. (Hays, 2004). Coca-Cola Company helps in environmental and climate protection efforts.The Company has good programs to balance on the use of water in the line of production (Hays, 2004). The Company has many water initiatives in various communities as well as efforts to conserve soil and climate (Coca Cola Company & Quality Information Publishers, 2007). The lifecycle of Coca-Cola Company products starts from the ingredients used in the manufacture of the syrup, packaging, manufacturing, distribution, refrigeration and storage, consumption and finally recycling the cans (Isdell & Beasley, D, 2011).Coca-Cola Company was started in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The founder of the Company who was John Pemberton sold it to Asa Chandler who named it Coca-Cola Company in 1892 (Isdell & Beasley, D, 2011). There is a competitive advantage between the Coca-Cola Company and the distributors. There is a symbiotic relationship that is interdependent where the failure or success of one has an impact on the other (Pendergrast, 1993). Over a year, the Coca-Cola Company has built strong brands of drinks which cannot be imitated by its competitors (Pendergrast, 1993).COCA-COLA COMPANY STAKEHOLDERS| METHOD OF COMMUNICATION | BOTTLING PARTNERS | ISSUES CONSULTATION | EMPLOYEES| SURVEYS | NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS| ISSUES CONSULTATION | SHAREOWNERS | REGULAR COMMUNICATION AND CONSULTATION | SUPPLIERS| REVIEW MEEETINGS | COMMUNITIES| CONSULTATION AND INTERVEW | CONSUMERS| FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS AND INTERVIEWS| The table shows the method of communication used by Coca-Cola Company in reaching out to its stakeholders. Organizational structure of Coca-Cola CompanyCoca-Cola Company president | Staff Manufacturing Plant | Finance Marketing | Europe Division, Latin America, Division, North America Division, Africa Division, Pacific Division | Many Subdivisions | References Coca Cola Company. , & Quality Information Publishers. (2007). Historic vending machine films. Asheville, N. C. : Quality Information Publishers. Hays, C. L. (2004).Pop: Truth and power at the Coca-Cola Company. London: Hutchinson. Isdell, E. N. , & Beasley, D. (2011). Inside Coca-Cola: A CEO's life story of building the world's most popular brand. New York: St. Martin's Press. Kalapos, G. (2006). Fertility goddesses, groundhog bellies ; the Coca-Cola Company: The origins of modern holidays. Toronto: Insomniac. Bel l, L. (2004). The story of Coca-Cola. North Mankato, Minn: Smart Apple Media. Pendergrast, M. (1993). For God, country, and Coca-Cola: The unauthorized history of the great American soft drink and the company that makes it. New York: Scribner's.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biography of Sonia Delaunay, Modernist Designer
Biography of Sonia Delaunay, Modernist Designer Sonia Delaunay (born Sophia Stern; November 14, 1885 – December 5, 1979) was one of the pioneers of abstract art at the turn of the century. She is best known for her participation in the art movement of Simultaneity (also known as Orphism), which placed vibrant contrasting colors alongside one another in order to stimulate the feeling of movement in the eye. She was also a highly successful textile and clothing designer, making a living off of the colorful dress and fabric designs she produced in her Paris studio. Early Life Sonia Delaunay was born Sophia Stern in 1885 in Ukraine. (Though she lived there only briefly, Delaunay would cite the brilliant sunsets of Ukraine as the inspiration behind her colorful textiles.) By the age of five she had moved to Saint Petersburg to live with her wealthy uncle. She was eventually adopted by their family and became Sonia Terk. (Delaunay is sometimes referred to as Sonia Delaunay-Terk.) In St. Petersburg, Delaunay lived the life of a cultured aristocrat, learning German, English, and French and traveling often. Delaunay moved to Germany to attend art school, and then eventually went on to Paris, where she enrolled in lAcadà ©mie de la Palette. While in Paris, her gallerist Wilhelm Uhde agreed to marry her as a favor, so that she could avoid moving back to Russia. Though a marriage of convenience, her association with Uhde would prove instrumental. Delaunay exhibited her art for the first time at his gallery and through him met many important figures in the Parisian art scene, including Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and her future husband, Robert Delaunay. Sonia and Robert married in 1910, after Sonia and Uhde amicably divorced. Fascination with Color In 1911, Sonia and Robert Delaunays son was born. As a baby blanket, Sonia sewed a patchwork quilt of brilliant colors, reminiscent of the bright colors of folkloric Ukrainian textiles. This quilt is an early example of the Delaunays’ commitment to Simultaneity, a way of combining contrasting colors to create a sensation of movement in the eye. Both Sonia and Robert used it in their painting to evoke the fast pace of the new world, and it became instrumental to the appeal of Sonia’s home furnishings and fashions which she would later turn into a commercial business. Twice a week, in Paris, the Delaunays attended the Bal Bullier, a fashionable nightclub and ballroom. Though she would not dance, Sonia was inspired by the movement and action of dancing figures. At the turn of the century, the world was rapidly industrializing, and artists found figurative representation to be insufficient in describing the changes they were observing. For Robert and Sonia Delaunay, saturation of color was the way to depict the electric vibrations of modernity and the best way to describe the subjectivity of the self. Sonia Delauanay, Flamenco Dancer. 1916. Oil on canvas. Private collection. WikiArt / Public Domain Advances in the science of color theory had proved that perception was inconsistent among individual perceivers. The subjectivity of color, as well the realization that vision was a state of perpetual flux, was a reflection of the unstable world of political and social change in which the only thing man could verify was his individual experience. As an expression of her subjective self, as well as due to her fascination with juxtaposing color, Sonia made the first simultaneous dresses, much like the colorful patchwork quilts she made for her son, which she wore to the Bal Bullier. Soon she was making similar items of clothing for her husband and the various poets and artists close to the couple, including a vest for poet Louis Aragon. Spain and Portugal At the outbreak of World War I, Sonia and Robert were vacationing in Spain. They decided not to return to Paris, but instead to exile themselves to the Iberian Peninsula. They successfully settled into expat life, using the isolation to focus on their work. After the Russian Revolution in 1917, Sonia lost the income that she had been receiving from her aunt and uncle in St. Petersburg. Left with little means while living in Madrid, Sonia was forced to found a workshop which she named Casa Sonia (and later renamed to Boutique Simultanà ©e upon return to Paris). From Casa Sonia, she produced her increasingly popular textiles, dresses, and home goods. Through her connections with fellow Russian Sergei Diaghilev, she designed eye popping interiors for the Spanish aristocracy. Delaunay became popular at a moment in which fashion was significantly changing for young European women. The First World War demanded that women enter the workforce, and as a result, their attire had to change to accommodate their new tasks. After the war was over, it was difficult to convince these women to return to the more restrictive dress of the 1900s and 1910s. Figures like Delaunay (and, perhaps most famously, her contemporary Coco Chanel) designed for the New Woman, who was more interested in freedom of movement and expression. In this way, Delaunay’s designs, which focused on movement of the eye across their patterned surfaces, also encouraged movement of the body in their loose fits and billowing scarves, proving two-fold that Delaunay was a champion of this radically new and exciting lifestyle. (Not to mention that she was the primary breadwinner for her family, making Sonia an exemplar for New Womanhood.) An example of Delaunays beachwear. Luigi Diaz / Hulton Archives / Getty Images Collaborations Delaunay’s exuberance and interest in multimedia collaboration, as well as her creative and social friendships with artistic Parisian notables, were fruitful grounds for collaborations. In 1913, Delaunay illustrated the poem Prose du transsibà ©rien, written by the couple’s good friend, Surrealist poet Blaise Cendrars. This work, now in the collection of Britain’s Tate Modern, bridges the gap between poetry and the visual arts and uses Delaunay’s understanding of undulating form to illustrate the action of the poem. Her collaborative nature also led her to her design costumes for many stage productions, from Tristan Tzara’s play the Gas Heart to Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. Delaunay’s output was defined by the fusion of creativity and production, where no element of her life was relegated to a single category. Her designs adorned the surfaces of her living space, covering the wall and furniture as wallpaper and upholstery. Even the doors in her apartment were decorated with poems scrawled by her many poet friends. An example of Delaunays painted work.  Getty Images Later Life and Legacy Sonia Delaunay’s contribution to French art and design was acknowledged by the French government in 1975 when she was named an officer of the Legion d’Honneur, the highest merit awarded to French civilians. She died in 1979 in Paris, thirty-eight years after her husbands death. Her effusiveness for art and color has had lasting appeal. She continues to be celebrated posthumously in retrospectives and group shows, independently and alongside the work of her husband Robert. Her legacy in the worlds of both art and fashion will not soon be forgotten. Sources Buck, R., ed. (1980). Sonia Delaunay: A Retrospective. Buffalo, NY: Albright-Knox Gallery.Cohen, A. (1975). Sonia Delaunay. New York: Abrams.Damase, J. (1991).Sonia Delaunay: Fashion and Fabrics. New York: Abrams.Morano, E. (1986). Sonia Delaunay: Art into Fashion. New York: George Braziller.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Seven learning styles and how to teach them
Seven learning styles and how to teach them Attention teachers- are you making the most of your time in the classroom? The truth is, if you’re applying a â€Å"one size fits all†approach to teaching then you’re probably not making the most effective use of your abilities. Today’s most effective teachers realize that their classrooms are actually microcosms of students with a range of learning styles- and each student has a specific way of absorbing and processing new information that they respond to best. It can be challenging, but teachers who make a real effort to reach each student by taking their individual learning style into account are best positioned to have a positive and lasting impact in their classrooms.In general, there are seven recognized learning styles- and a range of useful strategies for engaging learners who respond best to each. If you want to maximize learning in your classroom and help your students achieve their goals, consider devoting some time to figuring out which of the following learning styles works best for each and build a program that takes this important information into account.Visual/SpatialA visual learner responds well to seeing new concepts and ideas in visual form- things like charts, tables, figures, and diagrams that incorporate helpful colors and shapes- and learn best by seeing things laid out in front of them. Visual learners are typically observant, creative, and well-organized people who are focused and enjoy carefully laid out plans.If you’re eager to engage a visual learner, make sure your learning program incorporates helpful visual aids and cues and encourage students to use visual tools themselves during the learning process- including sketching out ideas and using note taking and drawing (think flowcharts and mind maps). Also, consider placing them at or near the front of your classroom and decorate your classroom with lots of visual aids.Solitary/IntrapersonalThese students typically straddle a range of learning st yles (including logical, physical, verbal, auditory, and visual learning). How can you spot this type of learner? These are typically private, independent, and introspective students who are driven by self-motivation and self-determination. They often seem like they’re well-suited for tasks like programming, coding, researching, and writing.The truth is, although it can be challenging to fully engage a solitary learner in a crowded classroom, do your best to guide them through the use of visual learning tools, books, designated quiet areas for self-study, and clearly defined sharing/solitary time in the classroom- it will be time well spent.VerbalIf you’re working with a verbal learner, don’t forget that words matter most to them- in all of their many written and spoken forms. These learners are typically intellectual and bookish sorts who show a clear preference for writing and reading, so incorporating things like text-based lessons, vocabulary and word activi ties, and poems are good ideas. It shouldn’t be a surprise that many of these learners wind up in careers involving law, journalism, politics, and writing and administration.If you’re working with a verbal learner be sure to have verbal and written discussions of new concepts and ideas. Take into account if they’re naturally introverted or extroverted- the more outgoing they are, the more they’ll benefit from presentations and interactive talking, while introverted verbal learners will likely respond well to things written down. Be sure to use this information to your teaching advantage.Physical/KinestheticThese energetic learners enjoy the â€Å"hands-on approach,†and enjoy physical and tactile activities to support their learning. They typically gravitate towards athletic pursuits. Look for ways to incorporate learning tools that engage their senses and include movement when possible. Role-playing tends to work particularly well with physical le arners- although this can be a challenge in a classroom full of students. If you can find a way to make use of these strategies you’ll tend to be more successful at engaging these learners.Logical/MathematicalThese data-driven, number-focused learners typically are logical and successful in the classroom and veer towards careers in research, science, accounting, and programming. They respond well to puzzles, brain teasers, and tasks involving pattern recognition, classification and grouping, statistics, and numerical and hierarchical information. Aim to incorporate these in your lesson plans whenever possible.Social/InterpersonalThese types of learners are typically easy to spot- they have a natural predilection for teamwork and interacting and collaborating with their classmates. Although social learners tend to be natural leaders, extroverts, and good communicators, this isn’t a hard a fast rule and can really vary. Another thing worth noting is that social learners can respond well to other learning styles, usually set in a collaborative/interpersonal backdrop. Try incorporating a variety of group activities within your lesson plans to benefit these learners.Auditory/MusicalThese learners tend to respond really well to audio-based lessons, cues, and stimuli. They often prefer to have things explained to them out loud, and really do well with activities that incorporate talking, audio recordings, and music. Your voice and the voices of others in the classroom are great tools when working with auditory learners. Although maintaining a quiet and orderly classroom can be important, your best bet when trying to engage these learners is to incorporate some well-placed sound into your lessons.If you’re looking to better engage your students and maximize learning in your classroom, consider factoring in the diverse learning styles covered here when developing your lesson plans.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ancient Egyptian Cosmetic and Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Ancient Egyptian Cosmetic and Style - Essay Example The ancient Egyptian community was highly recognized and appreciated fro their high level of cleanliness and their concern to personal appearance for instance: It was a pre-requisite for he priests to be clean since they were considered to be a connection between the gods and the community. Additionally, in the ancient times, the Egyptians applied various methods in order to improve the level of their personal cleanliness, these methods were inclusive of: Shaving various body parts such as armpits, the genital area, beards and the head. Taking several baths a day was also considered pertinent in that it ensured that persons remain clean through out the day. Other methods such as the use of Ground Carob Pellets were also used to rub the skin in order to reduce body odor. Consequently, the use of cosmetics was extended to areas such as preparation of dead bodies for burial. Special body creams were used to cleanse the body before mummification an example is the burial of some three women from the Tuthmosis III Court in 1400 BC who were buried after being cleansed by using a very expensive cream made from a combination of oil and lime juice. There were various ancient Egyptian cosmetics that were used on different parts of the body ranging from facial to other body parts. These varieties included: Oil, lime juice, red ochre, henna, and kohl, white and black make-ups. Different techniques were applied to produce a variety of cosmetics. To begin with, the production of oil involved pressing the finest fruits or seeds such as the Moringa nuts which were combined with inorganic and organic materials that were grounded and used as pigments. Additionally, the production of Kohl; an eye paint was carried out through grinding some green malachite, cerussite, lead carbonate (white in color), galena (lead ore) and occasionally minimum amounts of laurinite and phosgenite. These materials were then ground into powder and mixed with
Thursday, October 31, 2019
US HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
US HISTORY - Essay Example The north purchased raw cotton and converted it into finished goods using the cotton grin, leading to disparity between the two. As a result, substantial differences in economic attitudes were realized. Since the period of the revolution, differences emerged between those arguing that the federal government needed to have more control and those arguing for greater states’ rights (Huston 173). The thirteen states formed a rather loose confederation with quite a weak federal government. This weakness enabled the leaders to come together when problems arose and create in secrecy the U.S constitution. Most people felt that this constitution ignored the rights of states to continue being independent. This resulted to the idea of nullification, and when this never worked out they moved towards secession. Growth of the abolition movement was another cause. The northerners become more polarized against slavery in which the southern depended so much on slaves for their cheap labor. Some key events such as the publishing of Harriet Beechers Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and others held individuals responsible for harboring fugitives even if they were on non-slave states. Following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, South Carolina issued its declaration of secession and believed that Lincoln was antislavery and favored the interest of the northern people hence living the southerners out (Huston 181). The fight between slave and the non-slave state proponents took center stage, and this was the main reason for this civil war. This led to wars even in the floor of the senate when antislavery discussions were being
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Indivisual rights, health disparities and policy options Essay
Indivisual rights, health disparities and policy options - Essay Example According to surveys that have been conducted ranking health care provision in several areas of the United States, the state of Washington was found to have some of the region’s healthiest counties, and these counties included counties such as Montgomery and Fairfax. The research also showed that there happens to exist some pockets within the state that had relatively high levels of poor health. These counties included counties such as the Prince George’s County and Maryland County. Like most other poor counties in the United States, Maryland and Prince George counties of Washington have been found to be facing some major challenges in efforts aimed at trying to ensure that they provide quality health services to their residents. This has mainly been found to be as a direct result of crippling fiscal constraints as a direct result of the relatively poor income and high unemployment rates of the residents of these two areas (Rand Corporation 1). According to a report provided by the Center for Health Equity. Maryland County has been seen to be struggling with a variety of health care issues. The County has relatively high levels of smokers. While the current rate and goals that have been set by the CDC stand at 12 percent for adult smokers, Maryland County has an average adult smoker’s rate of over 17 percent. The state also spent about 1.5 billion dollars in treating ailments related to obesity (Avalere health 41). An estimated 80,000 of the adults living in prince George County were found to be uninsured. These levels were found to be more than twice of those in the neighboring County of Howard. The non-elderly Latino population in Maryland was also found to be more likely to be uninsured as compared to the whites in the County (Avalere health 41). Cancer has been found to be the second leading cause of death in Maryland County with lung cancer being the most common for both the women and men. In the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A study on the various personality type tests
A study on the various personality type tests It is only fairly recently that personality tests have become a common practice by companies looking to employ people. These personality tests enable organizations to match people to specific jobs and tasks. The tests also help to eliminate false information given in the interview. For example: A person being interviewed is asked how well they can work as part of a group. Naturally the person will say they like working as part of a group. A personality test will make it more difficult for the person to lie about things like that. History The basic principles or foundation of the modern personality type test can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The ancient Greeks identified four personality traits known as the four temperaments or four humours. These four types are cheerful, sombre, enthusiastic, and calm. These four temperaments provided Carl Jung with the inspiration to develop his own physiological theory. Carl Jungs physiological theory provided the foundation for Myers Briggs and David Keirsey to build their assessment systems. These two systems are considered the modern day personality tests. Carl Jungs functional types Carl Jung categorised psychic energy into two types. The types are introverted and extroverted. These two categories are used extensively in the world today. They are two of the main types of personalities identified and used by the Myers Briggs personality test. Jung did not just leave it at this. He then went on to create four psychological types, these being: Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition. Jung also stated that things were either rational or irrational. Thinking and Feeling he considered to be rational. Sensation and Intuition he classified as irrational. Though his theories make sense the application of these theories for test purposes was difficult and tedious. Myers Briggs type indicator This type indicator is probably the most commonly used personality type test. It is based on Carl Jungs physiological theory. It is in the form of a questionnaire with the purpose of measuring psychological preferences with regard to how people make decisions and how they perceive the world around them (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). Myers Briggs converts Carl Jungs theory into a methodology and system that can be used to understand and assess personalities. The Myers Briggs model can be used for: Gaining an understanding of and developing oneself To develop and understand other people Gain insight as to what motivates other people Assess other peoples strengths and weaknesses Developing and working in teams Agreeing on and allocation of tasks and responsibilities The Myers Briggs test is composed of four pairs of personality types. These types are: Extrovert vs. Introvert (EI), Sensing vs. Intuition (SN), Thinking vs. Feeling (TF), and Judgers vs. Perceivers (JP). Once an individual takes the test he/she will fall into one of sixteen possible personality groups. The sixteen personality groups are all the possible combinations of the four pairs of personality types. The sixteen personality groups fall into four distinct groups. These groups are: Internal Sensual Group, External Sensual Group, Internal Intuition Group, and External Intuition Group. This can be seen in the table below taken from Kersey.com (Keirsey Temperament Website). Internal Sensual Group External Sensual Group Internal Intuition Group External Intuition Group ISTJ ESTJ INTJ ENTJ ISFJ ESFJ INFJ ENFJ ISTP ESTP INTP ENTP ISFP ESFP INFP ENFP The advantage of this test is that if done honestly it can accurately reflect the individuals personality. This would enable managers to assemble a team of people with different personalities and each personality suited for the job required. The disadvantage is that this test may not necessarily be accurate as the individual could choose an option that they would most likely perform in their current state of mind. This could mean that the result could change if they were to take the test again under different circumstances. This would mean that their true personality would not be identified as the result is subject to the persons current mood and chain of thought. David Keirseys Personality Types Another personality type test is that of David Keirsey. Known as the Keirsey Temperament Sorter it helps people to better understand others as well as themselves. This test has been developed from the four temperaments and from Carl Jungs theories. Like the Myers Briggs test Keirsey categorises human personality into sixteen types and each type belongs to one of four categories. The four categories are: Artisans these are people who say what is and they do what will work. Guardians these people say what is and do what is right. Rationalists these are people who say what is possible and do what will work. Idealist these are people who will say what is possible and do what is right. Keirsey places the sixteen personality types into the four categories as seen in the table below taken from Keirsey.com (Keirsey Temperament Website). Artisan Guardian Rationalist Idealist Promoter (ESTP) Supervisor (ESTJ) Fieldmarshall (ENTJ) Teacher (ENFJ) Crafter (ISTP) Inspector (ISTJ) Mastermind (INTJ) Counsellor (INFJ) Performer (ESFP) Provider (ESFJ) Inventor (ENTP) Champion (ENFP) Composer (ISFP) Protector (ISFJ) Architect (INTP) Healer (INFP) Note: The letters in brackets are the equivalent Myers Briggs personality types. Like the Myers Briggs test Keirseys test is subject to the individuals frame of mind when taking the test and can only marginally determine the individuals temperament and personality. Another con is that if the person applying for the job knows the desired personality he/she can determine the outcome of the test. There are books on how to answer the test to achieve the desired personality for the job. Eysencks Personality Inventory Hans Eysenck brings a new dimension with the addition of emotional stability. Eysenck used two scales to measure personality, these being as follows: Introversion and Extroversion Stability and Instability With these two scales Eysenck created four types of personalities: Unstable introvert means that the person can be moody, anxious and unsociable Unstable extrovert this means that the person is aggressive, impulsive and changeable Stable introvert means that the person tends to be even-tempered, calm, reliable and controlled Stable extrovert this category means that the person is outgoing, lively, easy-going and is a good leader It is the dimensions of stable and unstable that sets Eysenck apart from systems of Myer Briggs and Keirsey. This helps to add a new view on the four temperaments. It also enhances the perspective of Jungs psychological types and adds to the Myers Briggs and Keirsey tests. Katherine Benzigers brain theory type Benziger has a different approach as compared to the likes of Myers Briggs and Keirsey. She places great importance on the fact that one should not try and falsify ones personality type. Benziger reckons that most people falsify their type so as to get the job for which they are applying. This could have an impact on their performance as they are not really the right people for the job. Like with the other tests she drew inspiration from Carl Jungs work. Her theory is that personality can be mapped in four quadrants of the brain: The Rear Left part is for processing and routines. The rear Right is associated with empathy and intuition. The Front Left part is associated with logic. The Front Right is associated with creativity and vision These quadrants can be linked to Jungs functional types. Benziger Jung Front Left Thinking Rear Right Feeling Rear Left Sensing Front Right Intuition The advantage of Benzigers test is that it places a strong emphasis on not falsifying personality type. There is even a section in the assessment that assesses the extent to which the person is falsifying their type. This can help in determining those who are honest and those who are not. This helps a manager select the best possible candidates for a position or a team. DISC This test determines four behavioural aspects by testing a persons preferences when it comes to word associations. The four dimensions of DISC are: Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness Dominance and Influence represent extrovert. Steadiness and Conscientiousness represent introvert. Some of the benefits of the DISC profile are: Being able to understand behavioural challenges and strengths in others as well as yourself. Gain an appreciation for the strengths and differences in others Identify tools to aid in conflict resolution Decrease conflict within the team and improve teamwork Gain an awareness of how to deal with diverse people Understand client behaviour resulting in increased sales Enhance customer satisfaction By identifying communication styles you can improve communication skills These benefits can help place the right people in management. Being able to motivate and understand people is a very good trait to have as a manager. The problem is that like most other assessments DISC is not one hundred percent accurate and therefore it does not display a reliable measurement. The Big 5 personality test This test measures your intensity to deal with change, people, work, and depression situations. The five factors are: Agreeableness or Accommodation this is how you deal with people. The higher the degree the more agreeable or courteous you are. The lower the degree the more unpleasant and aggressive you are. Openness to change the higher the degree the more open to sudden changes you are. A low degree means that you oppose change with vigour. Extroversion A high degree represents an extrovert while a low score represents an introvert Conscientiousness A high degree here means that you are focused and organized when it comes to work. On the other hand a low score means that you are lazy and dislike lots of work. Neuroticism This is your ability to handle depression. The higher the degree the more stability you have when pitted against depression. A low score means that you take a long time to recover from the shock caused by depression. This type of test is considered better than the Myers Briggs and DISC test. This is because this test does not focus on types or temperaments. Instead it tries to measure your ability to handle five factors. Conclusion There are many personality tests out there all of which can be used to gain insight into others and ourselves. Companies may use personality type tests to gain an idea as to how people think and then based on the outcome of the test build the best possible team. Managers can also use these tests to help them place the right people in the right position. Though these are great positives the downside is that the tests are not 100% accurate and some people know how to answer the test as to get the desired outcome. This means that you may get the wrong person for the job due to them being good liars.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Christopher Marlowe Essay -- essays research papers
Christopher Marlowe      â€Å"Comparisons are odious†, was once said by Christopher Marlowe in Lust’s Dominion, Act iii scene4. Christopher Marlowe has been identified as the most important Shakespeare’s predecessors. He was born in Canterbury, England, on February 6, 1564 and then baptized at St. George’s Church, Canterbury, on February 25, 1564. Marlowe was the eldest son of John Marlowe, a shoemaker and Katherine Arthur, a Dover girl of yeoman stock. Christopher’s intermediate family and extended family had a reputation of getting in trouble with the law. His sister was known for being a selfish person seeking the unjust vexation of her neighbor’s, while his father was always continually engaged in lawsuits containing debts.      Christopher Marlowe entered the King’s School at Canterbury in 1579. There he held a scholarship requiring him to study Ministry. The school was a canter of theatrical interests. It contained a large library filled with a number of volumes which have been claimed as sources for Marlowe’s plays. In 1584, Marlowe received a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree. Following that, in 1587, he had received a Master of Arts Degree. Shortly after receiving his Master’s degree, Marlowe went to London. There he was part of a circle of young men which were: Rawley, Nashe, and Kyel. By 1587, his first play was â€Å"Tamburlaine the Great†, had been performed on stage. As a result of his first play, Marlowe has started getting ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
High Crime Neighborhood
Living in high-crime neighborhoods has a great impact on how neighbors socialize with each other. It either brings them together to fight against violence or torn them apart because the violence is promoted among other neighbors. Neighborhood environment serves as a source of socialization, mainly for adolescents. Being exposed to different behavioral models or cultural ideas, disadvantaged neighborhoods are thought to influence how young people make decisions about education, employment and relationships (Hackney, 2011).Adolescents interacting with older people that are unemployed, not going to school and involved in crimes can expose them to cultural models that violate social rules and norms. As mentioned in the article it became â€Å"a street culture that arguments are too often settled only when a body ends up on a slab in the morgue†(Hackney, 2011, p. 3). Cultural values are not respected and instead of having dispute-resolution skills and anger management, violence mo st likely becomes the way of life and solving problems.Socialization is what allows us to be skilled in the ways of the culture we were born into, however, if violence is what one was born into or grew up into that is what they will learn and do. The very fabric of our community has changed, violence has become acceptable by many due to its fast increasing rate but we have to do better (Hackney, 2011). Numerous crimes in neighborhoods destroy socialization although violence is not taught among cultures it could be acquired by its young members if seen promoted by older adults.During adolescence is when youths are developing and exploring new ways of socializing with older adults and that could be dangerous if they are hanging out with the wrong crowd. Young people are highly influenced by their surroundings and if violence is promoted that is what they will learn as a result. Despite the negative impact of violence in neighborhoods it also brings neighbors to work close together in finding solutions for the problem and making their neighborhoods a safer place for their children to grow up and become decent citizens.In Detroit the murder rate has increased and many innocent people were killed by random violence. Public safety plays a great role in socialization therefore the city developed plan to â€Å"strengthen neighborhoods and improve safety†(Hackney, 2011, p. 3). The police patrols were reinforced and many cases were closed with tips from citizens and strong police work.There were programs to get youths engaged in activities other then hanging out in the streets and involved in criminal acts (Hackney, 2011). Working close with youths and getting them involved in activities that can keep them out of the streets can reverse the effects of early exposure to violence and promote a better way of socializing.Reference Hackney, Suzette (2011, November 13). Living with murder: The agony of Detroit’s neighborhoods and their cry for help. Free Press, pp. 1-7.
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