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Monday, September 30, 2019
Cardiovascular Endurance of the Genders Question Essay
Cardiovascular Endurance of the Genders Question- Does weight and differences of age have to do with different heart rates and recovery times with the step test experiment? Independent Variable Pre- Exercise Heart Rate Dependent Variables 1. Post- Exercise Heart rate 2. Change in heart rate 3. Recovery Time Hypothesis – If a subject being tested is fit then there should not be a big change in heart rate and there should be minimal recovery time to get back to the normal heart rate in which they started. Experiment Protocol- 1. Testing all members of the group and recording the results. 2. Measure pre-exercise pulse rate using a pulse monitor of the first subject 3. Making sure the first subject is in sequence with their steps to the metronome 4. This sequence should be 3 minutes with a rate of about 25 steps a minutes on a six inch step 5. After the exercise the subject has to sit down immediately 6. The pulse monitor needs to be taken out. 7. Then measurements should be taken of the subjects post exercise pulse rate 8. Then the timer was taken out. 9. Next the subjects pulse rate was monitored until it returned to the pre-exercise pulse rate which is the recovery time. 10. Steps 2-5 had to repeated for others within in the group 11. After everything was completed the results were compared with other groups in the class. The measures that were taken to ensure consistency throughout the experiment were to just do everything at relatively the same pace with every subject so there would not be any dramatic changes in data. Conclusion- In conclusion it does not matter whether you are male or female when it comes to cardiovascular fitness. This is because cardiovascular fitness is entirely based on a test that assesses your fitness level based on how quickly your heart rate recovers after exercise. The fitter you are, the uicker your heart rate will return to normal after exercise. I accept my hypothesis because my results from the people in my group as well as the class showed that the fitter you are the quicker your heart rate will return to normal. My conclusion could possibly be different If I only analyzed the data gathered by my lab partners of my table because this would not really allow me to determine if cardiovascular fitness is actually based off gender or fitness due to the high ratio of three women to one man compared to the whole class. Improvements to the experiment- 1. one way to improve this experiment would be to have a chart that shows good, poor, or average Heart rates to have a better idea to make comparisons between gender cardiovascular fitness 2. Another way to improve my experiment would be to be more consistent with my group members in transitioning from the pulse monitor to the timer so we don’t have to start over 3. Another way to improve this experiment would be to run it longer than three minutes and more than once to see if the data is consistent.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Marks And Spencer Plc Commerce Essay
Get downing in UK as a penny shop in 1880s, Michael Marks and Top Spencer started the company we know today as Marks and Spencer plc. Simon Marks, the boy of Michael Marks took over the running of the concern and introduced the nucleus principals of the concern. The nucleus principals, which remained unchanged for most of their history, included the usage of simple monetary value policies, first-class quality of merchandises under the â€Å" St. Michael †trade name name, promoting and working with the providers straight to guarantee their procedures were modern and of the highest criterions and better the concern in efficiency and besides by organizing close relationships between the employees and the clients. By runing with a centralized distribution system and holding control over the full procedure, enabled to them have the same quality and make consistent shop experiences. This besides meant that the local shops were unable to run into the demands, as the directors were restricted in their powers. The powers seemed to be concentrated to the CEOs, who were besides the chair of the board of members. Sir Richard Greenbury, known for his strong sentiment and about allergic reaction to bad intelligence ran the company from 1988 to 1999. The jobs started in 1998, when the portion monetary values were hit badly, and the company was get bying with lifting costs due to the their trust on expensive providers in Britain ( while it seemed every other rival was outsourcing to Asia ) , increased competition in the market sections they were present and the traditional bureaucratic direction. After his surrender, the new CEO Peter Salsbury did small and lasted merely a twelvemonth, before being succeeded by Luc Vandervelde in 2000. Until his going in 2004, he made important alterations such as a new construct of â€Å" shop in shop †, recognition card fecilities, trueness plans, â€Å" Simple Food †trade name and the â€Å" Per Una †joint venture. However he excessively held the place of both the CEO and the chair. These alterations little consequence in the stock market, and many companies, who were their rivals were seeking to take over the company. Their commands were fought away and besides meant the debut of a new caput, Rose Stuart. Rose, made several more alterations, the most celebrated being the 11-point strategic program based their nucleus values of quality, service, trust and value for money. He made several cuts to halt blowing money, better efficiency and besides doing ascents in the shops. The public presentation was good, and in 2008, Ross officially took over the function of chair ( he was already the CEO ) , and despite being controversial. 2009 proved to be a twelvemonth of slow growing for the company, and this caused relationships between the board and the investors to go rancid. Ross, announced his connotations to step down as the CEO, nevertheless he would retain the place of Chair until 2011.Theory and constructsThe instance survey is based around alteration direction and the schemes involved. Every company faces alterations, and must do them to run into the demands of the concern. Many factors can convey about this alteration and influence it. The writers ( Witcher & A ; Chau 2010 ) depict one such model as the PESTEL model. It consists of: Political affairs such as the influence from the authorities, Economic factors that are caused due to affairs related to cost incurred, Social factors which are the alterations that are related to the alterations in the society, Technological factors which involve alterations in the engineerings that are invented and proficient alterations made in procedures, Environmental factors which are caused by environmental events or considerations of environmental impact, and in conclusion Legal factors which are alterations in the legal institutes and models. Harmonizing to the writer ( Henry 2008 ) the alteration influences can besides be described by the â€Å" Porter ‘s five forces model †, which can demo the success or failure of a merchandise or service. The five forces are: menace to new entrants, the bargaining power of the purchasers, the bargaining power of the providers, the menace of replacement merchandises and services and in conclusion the strength of the competition among the rivals in the market. These forces can be examined to measure the whether the company will be able to vie in the market, and put its resources. These factors have all influenced M & A ; S plc to do alterations. To do these alterations nevertheless a proper direction is required. The company can take many paths to recognize the alterations, and many attacks can be taken to implement the alterations. These are detailed in the subdivisions that follow.Aims of the assignmentThe aims of the assignment are to: Analyse the strategic paths taken by the company. Identifying the nucleus competences of M & A ; S plc. Analyze and discourse the types of alteration direction used in M & A ; S plc.II. Beginnings of competitory advantages of M & A ; S and routes takenCompetitive advantages of M & A ; S plcDegree centigrades: UsersuserDesktop ew.PNG Figure: Strategic Clock The archer scheme clock is used to do an analysis of the place of a company with its rivals. From the writers ( Needle 2010 ) and ( Thomson & A ; Baden-Fuller 2010 ) we understand that, the â€Å" Strategic Clock †is set against two factors, the â€Å" Perceived Value of the merchandise to the consumer †and the â€Å" Price †. It came from an earlier stiff theoretical account, by Michael Porter, which was seen as deficient. Companies can be analyzed utilizing this theoretical account, falling non merely in a peculiar section, but taking a assorted way. In the clock we can see, the low priced, low added value, which is focal point on supplying basic merchandises and minimal pricing. From at that place, we see the low priced, which is for companies supplying merchandises that are cheaper discrepancies of similar merchandises offered by their rivals. The intercrossed way is taken to set supply both a distinction factor and a low monetary value factor, which is me rely possible with high volume gross revenues. The distinction way is for merchandises which are offered merely to supply distinction, and the focussed distinction way allows the company to bear down higher by offering different, advanced and merchandises which are merely available from them. On the other side of the clock we see that hazardous, monopoly pricing and loss of market portion, which are all bad for the company, unless under extreme fortunes where the company has a monopoly over the merchandise. These schemes combine to organize of import factors to see in order for bettering the place of the company in the market. The paths taken by Marks and Spencer are based on the loanblend and distinction of its merchandises to acquire a competitory advantage in the market. These allow the company to be: Loanblend: The Company provides merchandises which are merchandises in a sensible cost, but due to its repute and the long history of attending to inside informations, the company is able to portray a higher sensed value for the merchandise. For this ground they are able to construct a trueness from the clients. Differentiation: In this path the company is supplying the client with a higher sensed value for the merchandises. They increase the borders of the merchandises and have been making so for some clip, basking higher net income borders. This distinction is based on the many factors harmonizing to ( Obitz 2009 ) such as image distinction which allows for the trade name image to distinguish their merchandises in the market utilizing the company ‘s image. Support distinction is where the company provides the clients with convenient and advanced services such as shopping hours, price reductions, shop layout etc. Quality Differentiation is where the company differentiates its merchandises based on the quality. This has been achieved by proper trading which is controlled by the company, the attending to inside informations of the demands of the merchandises and invention. And in conclusion the design distinction where the importance is to maintain it different and advanced in the marke t.CompetencesThe nucleus competences of M & A ; S plc can be identified as: The trade name is known for quality. This is one of the chief competences, which provide them with extra value from their rivals. From the early yearss, the company has been able to concentrate and command the quality of the merchandises it sells in the shops, from design, production and distribution. This allows for the merchandises at their shops to be of the highest quality and design. The merchandises of the company are known for their value for money. Although they are more expensive than their rivals, they are able to maintain the monetary values at a degree that is justified by the quality they provide. This can be important when competition with rivals who provide lower cost merchandises. The trade name of the company has been present in the market for a long clip. Therefore it is good known by about everyone. Due to this, they can vie with new trade names that are non so good known in the market, and hence demands to pass more money in advertisement. The company ‘s direction has ever been a closely knit clump. The work civilization at the company, being closely related to the clients can intend that the client service is better. This is of import to supplying the clients with a great shop experience. Other rivals might non be able to supply the same degree of client satisfaction. The company has been spread outing and is present in many states, with many shops. The shops are able to supply entree to many clients. This is an advantage for the company, in contrast with some of their rivals who do n't hold such a immense planetary range.III. Type of alteration employed by M & A ; SChange direction is an of import portion of any organisation. ( Harrington 2006 ) argues that, clients demand betterment and alteration in merchandises invariably, maintaining up to which requires the changeless focal point of any company to guarantee they run into these demands in an effectual and efficient manner. In add-on to this, the gait of alteration is increasing as the population of the universe is increasing. While points out that there are two ways in which alteration can be done. There are different types of alteration. The writer ( Martin 2003 ) point out these alterations as: Incremental Change: This type of alteration is when the company makes alterations as the demand for them rises. The demand comes from the consumers and is met in a uninterrupted manner. To enable this sort of alteration it is of import for the people involved to do accurate Hells about the types and graduated table of the alteration that is required and meets all the demands. Measure Change: This type of alteration effects the full organisation, and involves doing important alterations in one or many countries within the organisation at one spell. The alterations have a Domino consequence, which means that alteration made in one portion normally causes alterations to other parts of the organisation. For illustration, the company can present a wholly new merchandise or service in the market, which would intend a important alteration from its yesteryear. Transformational alteration: This involves the complete alteration of one concern procedure or the full concern as a whole. This is a radical alteration, which means a wholly different set of individuality and process. The alteration is deep and involves everyone in the company. An illustration of this type of alteration is a amalgamation between two companies that provide the same services, to organize a new company ( like in the recent instance of two Bankss in Oman, unifying into one ) . The alterations made in M & A ; S have been fundamentally incremental. Throughout their history, they have been doing alterations on a regular footing as the demand presented itself. For illustration, when the demand in the market appeared for betterment in engineering use such as recognition cards, the company made those alterations. Even more, when the company was confronting challenges and concern from the investors, the top direction was changed to let them to run into the demands as a company. In times of alterations in the market, and client demand for better merchandises, the company introduced the trueness card strategies, recognition card strategies and such. It would non be incorrect to state that they have failed to even run into the incremental alteration demands. However, they have besides made some measure alterations. During the term of Philip Green as CEO, the company closed down many shop, acquired Per Una trade name, cancelled many nutrient merchandises, and restricted their direction to do it more efficient. These were important alterations that were introduced to better the company and caused the first growing in gross revenues since two old ages prior. The company has yet to do transformational alterations, and they are right in making so. One of the cardinal competences of the company is its trade name value, which has been a symbol of quality and invention. Changing this would do a important strain to its fiscal stableness and besides do it to be at a disadvantage in the competitory market.IV. DecisionM & A ; S plc has had to do important alterations in their history. Organizations have to do strategic alterations due to the many factors that can be defined utilizing models such as PESTEL and Porter ‘s five forces. These alterations have to be managed decently to be effectual. As such, companies take waies, as M & A ; S did, to supplying their merchandises and being competitory in the market. Furthermore they have made these alterations in an incremental and few in a transformational mode to run into the demands of the consumers. We have been able to analyse and understand strategic alteration direction. Change is necessary for any concern, and of import for any organisation to win.V. MentionsHarrington, HJ 2006, Change Management Excellence: The Art of Excelling in Change Management, Paton Press. Henry, A 2008, Understanding Strategic Management, Oxford University Press. Martin, V 2003, Leading Change in Health and Social Care, 1st edn, Routledge. Needle, D 2010, Business in Context: An Introduction to Business and Its Environment, 5th edn, South Western Educational Publishing. Obitz, C 2009, Supermarket distinction in the UK: A theoretical and empirical probe, Diplomica Verlag. Thomson, N & A ; Baden-Fuller, C 2010, Basic Strategy in Context: European text and instances, 1st edn, John Wiley & A ; Sons. Witcher, BJ & A ; Chau, VS 2010, Strategic Management: Principles and Practice, CL Business Press.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Cheim weizmann Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cheim weizmann - Term Paper Example Weizman’s special talent in chemistry got revealed when he went to Germany and got admitted at the Polytechnic Institute of Darmstadt. Later he went to Switzerland and became a part of the University of Freiburg. The man who later displayed a successful political career was primarily engrossed with his studies at the earlier part of his life. Weizmann was awarded the doctorate in Chemistry in 1899 and two years later joined university of Geneva as an assistant lecturer. His excellence in chemistry was doing wonders in his career as in three years of time he joined University of Manchester as a senior lecturer. In personal life Chaim Weizmann was married to Vera Weizmann and the loving couple had two sons. Tragedy struck the Weizmann family when their younger son who was by profession a pilot of a fighter plane was shot down while flying and succumbed to the accident (Krane). Before discussing the political career of this great achiever, it is worth providing little more attent ion towards Weizmann the chemist. As mentioned earlier that he has moved to University of Manchester as a senior lecturer in chemistry in 1904. In 1910 he took British nationality and being a part of the Manchester University discovered how bacterial fermentation can be used to desired level to produce the determined level of similar substances. Weizmann is highly regarded as the father of industrial fermentation. The Weizmann organism or Clostridium acetobutylicum bacteria produced acetone within laboratory framework that later became important fuelling Allied war efforts (Dixon, 53). If he had contributed through the commercial production of acetone during the First World War, during the Second he got busy with synthetic rubber and high octane gasoline. Weizmann was highly regarded in England as one of the forefront chemists of his time and both during the First and Second Great War adorned with honorary posts to the British Military. Chaim Weizmann no doubt was an active chemist who had extended his helping hands towards the allied force during the First and Second Great War; yet at heart he was a strong believer in peace and considered science as the harbinger of the same â€Å"I feel sure that science will bring to this land both peace and a renewal of its youth, creating here the springs of a new spiritual and material life. And here I speak of science for its own sake and applied science.†(Spender 4) The academic and political career of this great soul ran on simultaneous track. While in Manchester he became a prominent Zionist leader and a regular attendee at the Zionist conferences. Weizmann is credited to have convinced the then British foreign minister Balfour (Balfour Declaration) on setting a Jewish homeland at Palestine, which was the long cherished Zionist demand. The man who later became the first President of Israel visited Palestine for the first time in 1907 (Isseroff). Though he was one of the founding members of the Palestine Land Development Company yet his inherent leadership and upright nature gets reflected through these words â€Å"A state cannot be created by decree but by the forces of a people and in the course of generations. Even if all the governments of the world gave us a country it would only be a gift of words. But if the Jewish people will go and build Palestine, the Jewish State will become a realityâ€â€a fact.†(Weizmann and Litvinoff, 301) Weizmann like a true leader had also tried to maintain a
Friday, September 27, 2019
Grunert's Total Food Quality (TFQ) Model Aid Food Essay
Grunert's Total Food Quality (TFQ) Model Aid Food - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that several attempts have been made to consumers’ perspicacity of food that has facilitated or prohibited the food choice, consumer attitudes and incentives for purchase/non-purchase for UK food firms in designing marketing strategies. According to subsist research, organic food is identified as food without ‘chemicals’ and ‘growth hormones’, that is ‘not severely’ produced and is grown as â€Å"unsophisticated†. People buy food mainly for health motives; in sight of being best for their children because of lesser pesticides and manure residues. Furthermore, very well taste being free from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, genetic amendment and food additives are incentives for buying food. According to the Grunert’s Total Food Quality Model, the propensity towards augmented consumption of food can be correlated to a broader concern with regard to environmental issues. The major r easons that thwart consumers from purchasing food are: high price, be deficient in availability, gratification with conventional food, lack of reliance, the inadequate choice and paucity of perceived value. Although a number of consumers have shown curiosity in food, the food options of comparatively few people have been affected. Hence, expressed curiosity in food does not play a momentous role in food purchase and a disparity between positive attitude and behavior is evident. Thus, the acquaintance of consumers’ cognitive structures and their impact on the purchase decision will indeed shed light on consumers’ food purchases verdict that facilitates UK food firms in devising their marketing strategies. Economic theory has shown some confine in explaining the intricacy and multidimensionality of consumer activities. These bounds not only relate to the supposition of consumer rationality (that is utility exploiting behavior) and flawless information. The majority of ec onomic models use relative prices and disposable income or budget as illustrative variables of consumer deeds and treat every other sway (for instance social, economic and cultural factors) as cloaked or latent variables: quality inspection is one of them. The analysis of Grunert’s Total Food Quality Model guides United Kingdom food firms devising marketing strategies that how consumer attitude deals primarily with predilections and how predilections are formed in the mind of the consumer.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Chinese Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Chinese Culture - Essay Example From the perspective of warfare, the Northern China favored horse troops while on the other hand, South China land favored naval force for battles due to their landscape. The residents of Modern China have been exposed to multiple clans, tribes and countries which have assisted them in evolving culturally, attitudinally and linguistically. Stereotypes have prominently come into existence due to this perceptual dissimilarity; out of which most dominant is appearance of the inhabitants. Northern are categorized as taller, loud, warm-hearted, loyal, open, energetic, expressive, fairer, with small eyes, longer rugged face with a Mandarin dialect and wheat based diet. These attributes can lead to a direction which supports the leadership and heroic charisma of Northerners. Whereas, a southerner is labeled quite distinctly as shorter, darker, clever, cultured, wealthy, artistic, large eyed, round face with a southern dialect and rice based diet. So, Southerners are considered as shrewd, industrious, scholarly yet cunning; entrepreneurial and artistic lifestyle is preferred by such people. Moreover, in terms of agricultural priorities, North harvests apples, melons, peaches, corn, and root-based vegetables;howeverSouth cultivates tropical fruits and leafy vegetables for instance mangoes, bananas, coconuts, tomatoes, and taro roots. China is subject to dramatic diversity in terms of geographical presence and divided into two regions: China Proper and Outer China. China Proper is the most urban and densely populated region which drives the economic and industrial growth for the Chinese economy. According to the Countries and culture encyclopedia, Huang He Chinese culture dominates the region. The alluvial soil, moderate temperature and sufficient river water make the region a basic source of agriculture which has been the driver of Chinese economic growth since earlier times. The sub regions in China Proper add to its
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ethics in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Ethics in Nursing - Essay Example This essay â€Å"Ethics in Nursing†discusses the role of nurses in dealing with elderly people and ethical issues of this profession. A nurse in the first place is accountable to people who really need nursing care. While doing her or his job, the nurse promotes an atmosphere in which the human rights, values, customs and sacred beliefs of the person, family and community are high valued. And it is a nurse who together with the whole society is held liable for beginning and promoting activity to satisfy the requirements of people actually that of vulnerable persons in the area of health and social necessities of the public. Among main standards in nursing care are the hard-edged ability to provide this care that supports standards of personal health and the unprecedented ability to increase confidence of public that keeps up standards of personal conduct. Thus, apparently these are both rules and laws that are commonly supposed to stand for the minimal written standards for n ursing practice. For instance, there are also some laws that protect a patient from harm, though they certainly do not keep nurses responsible for the level of ethics that contributes to high quality nursing care. However, nursing cannot count only on external means such as laws and diplomas as well as just on self-reflection to give the profound guarantee of the ethical competence in care. Nursing competency from the ethical point of view represents a complicated system that demands a great number of means. In order to practice nursing competently it is necessary both to obey external means of nursing competence and to reflect ethically about competence. A nurse must always bring up questions regarding the nature of ethical competence in their profession, for example, questions about general ethical standards in nursing care and ways to satisfy them (Thompson,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Aesthetics and Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Aesthetics and Experience - Essay Example Attfield (2000) suggests understanding culture through objects ‘acknowledges the physical object in all its materiality and encompasses the work of design, making, distributing, consuming, using, discarding, recycling and so on. But above all it focuses on how things have gone through all those stages as part of the mediation process between people and the physical world at different stages in their biographies’ (1-7). From this it is clear that objects can have multiple meanings. For example, a shaver may hold numerous positions in society. It holds its place in history as a social and cultural object, its history can trace the development of technology, there are now male and female versions of the shaver in most of its manifestations (manual, electric, etc.) and it has been designed to suit the lifestyle of the person that uses it as it is either plugged into the wall, carries a battery pack, is designed for travelling or is given a more aesthetic appearance for displ ay on the bathroom counter. Advertising, design and materials have been constructed to suit a particular market and durability has also been taken into account. All these factors are what make this and thousands of other objects what they are. How these elements function together to appeal to the individual’s personal sense of function and appearance is what is referred to as aesthetics. This term is most often used in the art world to designate important works of art. To understand these concepts better, I applied what I have learned about aesthetics to a specific photographic print entitled ‘Smutty’. In looking at photographs or other works of art, it is important to remember that what I may see as beautiful may appear quite different to another person. It is true that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, as John Armstrong suggests. He says aesthetics is the process that ‘enables one person to
Monday, September 23, 2019
Project Management Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Project Management Review - Essay Example If outsourcers fail to re-document the message according to the individual requirements, it means that outsourcers did not get the content of the actual message. It is recommendable for the individual not to settle a response such as â€Å"Yes, I got the message’. Finally, the individual has to request outsourcers to create a prototype for the order placed. This prototype would be very helpful for the individual to ensure that outsourcers have absolutely understood his wants and needs. In order to make the communication between individual and outsourcers better, it is advisable to make use of pictures as they are more powerful tools for communication. In this way, everybody working on a placed order can thoroughly understand how the final product looks like. By undergoing these phases, an individual may ensure that outsourcers clearly understand his requirements. 2. It seems that a project manager’s trust is the key to exercising influence in an organization. A project manager deals with each and every aspect of a particular project, from creating a methodology for specific task completion to formulating a quick plan changes in response to unforeseen contingencies. While considering time-sensitive as well as cost consuming nature of modern business projects, the project manager’s trust is very vital to an organization’s financial success. ... uggests that every project team must â€Å"have sufficient checks and balances in place to insure against untrustworthy behaviors†either by project team members or by other concerned parties (Bourne, 2010). Therefore, a project manager’s trust is vital to make sure better accountability and thereby a positive reputation for the organization. A project manager’s stature also plays a significant role in contributing to organizational flexibility. Since the modern business environment is highly unpredictable, proposed project structure may need to be changed in times of contingencies. A project manager cannot delegate such last-minute changes if he has not earned the trust of his teams. 3. â€Å"Principled negotiation is an interest-based approach to negotiation that focuses primarily on conflict management and conflict resolution†(Principled negotiation). This concept mainly uses an integrative approach with intent to explore a mutually shared outcome. The concept of principled negotiations was firstly introduced in the book â€Å"Getting to Yes†which was published in 1981 by Roger Fisher and William Ury. The principled negotiation is based upon four key points which are illustrated below. 1. Separate people from the problem 2. Focus on interests, not positions 3. Invent options for mutual gain 4. Insist on objective criteria The first key point reflects the fact that relationship issues must be separated from substantive issues. According to Fisher, Ury, and Patton (1991, p. 21), popular problems mainly involve issues related to perception, emotion, and communication. Negotiating on interests does not indicate that it must be about things which people express as a want or need. Often, people tend to achieve extreme positions which are capable of confronting with
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Alternative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Alternative - Essay Example That despite their fast paced lifestyle that leave little room for preparing food, a better option for healthier food is available and easily accessible just around any city corner, or online, as The Alternative also has its own website to sell, promote its products and connect with customers. Called the marketing tactics known as the "Four Ps", price, place, product and promotion is a simple approach to unique blending of product or service presentation. Most companies may opt to increase these Ps to include people, physical evidence and process (MT, 2000), and these shall be discussed intensively for The Alternative. Considering that The Alternative serves a segment that desires to look good, it is imperative that quality beyond the basic need of providing for hunger and appetite is included in the package. Price of The Alternative products is definitely higher than most regular fast food industry players that offer the traditional fat laden burgers, meat pies and carbonated water. Nevertheless, to consider value for money, customer is enticed to choose The Alternative for its immediate and long term effect on the physical well-being of the person. With a healthy diet comes a shapely and to-die-for physique, healthy skin, face and body, thus, the high cost of beauty and health maintenance, doctor visits and medications are offset. Place Modern minimalist appeals to most university students and young urban professionals. It fits their active lifestyle and compensates for the burgeoning mass production of most commodities. This is why The Alternative had chosen minimalist architecture and hip interiors to cater to their clientele. The website also provides for a complimentary cyberspace that connects with its young market. By embracing the concept of simplicity and fluidity, most The Alternative chains employ scaled-down less-is-more interior design of high ceiling supported by impressive columns allowing carefree movement and casual dining, yet does not steep down to bland and tasteless as works of art also decorate the place inside and out in the form of green topiaries, corner ikebana arrangements and framed paintings on walls. The Alternative outlets are located in most major cities near parks, offices, shopping, and fitness centres all over Australia. Product Healthier Option for People on the Go, The Alternative offers low-calorie dressing on most vegetable and fruit salads that comprise the majority of their menu, white meat patty burgers, vegetable dishes, fruit juices, and even fish patties in lieu of meat burgers. Each serving shall have in its packaging calorie and nutrients content to enable weight watchers to be aware of their daily intake, thus allowing for control. The menu shall include meat, fish and mushroom burgers, Singapore-style vegetable fries, Western and Eastern vegetable salads, meat and fruit pies, a variety of fresh fruit shakes and juices. Use of organic materials in most of its packaging, from recycled paper menus and placemats, waxed paper plates and cups, to recyclable paper bags also speaks to the healthier option motto of The Alternative. Promotions The Alternative advertisements and promotions shall use
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Shakespeare presents the concept Essay Example for Free
Shakespeare presents the concept Essay The plays main characters are two of the most powerful people in the world, Antony being a member of the triumvirate, a coalition controlling the majority of the globe, and Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt, a feisty lady with a strong will who in the past has been linked with many other world leaders, a point which is often referred to throughout the play; Cleopatra: Did I, Charmian, / Ever love Caesar so? . Due to their status, the authority they hold and the power they have over people is clearly going to be a main theme as it affects many of their actions, decisions and feelings as the play progresses, to great consequence. There are a number of strong characters all trying to gain the upper hand at every opportunity. This is shown even in petty matters such as who gives in and sits down first in the falsely courteous power exchange between Antony and Caesar on Antonys visit to Rome in Act 2, Scene 2. Caesar: Welcome to Rome. Antony: Thank you. Caesar: Sit. Antony: Sit, sir. Caesar: Nay then. [Caesar sits, then Antony] This is comic moment from Shakespeare, but it does also outline the ongoing power struggle within the triumvirate. The scene can be looked at from two angles: it could be argued that, as it is Antony who wins this small exchange, the event aims to highlight the strength he possesses at the height of his career in order to provide a contrast for his lack of authority at the closing stages of the play; on the other hand it could also perhaps be seen as an early sign of his decline, as he is so desperate to gain authority he has reduced himself to pettiness, contrasting with the behaviour of Caesar who acts the bigger man without the need to win this small battle as he believes he can win the real thing, an inner confidence not present within Antony. The contrast between the characters behaviour is shown again more clearly in Act 3, Scene 13 where in a desperate struggle to maintain some authority Antony has Caesars messenger, Thidias, whipped for no good reason other than to prove he does still have some control. Antony: I am / Antony yet. Take hence the jack and whip him! This is an interesting juxtaposition to the previous scene where Caesar has received Antonys ambassador most courteously, even ensuring he returns safely back to his master, Caesar: Bring him through the bands. The difference in approach is most probably because Antony realises whilst his life and leadership is on a steady decline, the younger boy Caesar is gaining experience, power and control with each day that passes. Shakespeare has shown Antonys frustration at this through his actions and poor decision making, both on a personal and professional level. The power relationship between the lovers is also a main focus of the play and is a very interesting one displayed by Shakespeare in many ways. Enobarbuss description of the pairs first meeting at the river Cydnus, Act 2, Scene 2 is not only a beautiful story with wonderful language and imagery, it also gives an interesting insight into the direction the relationship will take. Antony invites the Queen to dine with him, but instead of complying she decides the night will be on her terms and changes the arrangements so he became her guest. This is a shocking response as Antony, Whom neer the word of No woman heard speak, is not used to being rejected. It makes him immediately interested in and intrigued by her. It also gives her the power in the relationship; right from the start she is the one calling the shots. Another interesting technique used by Shakespeare is the idea of gender reversal; Antonys manhood being transferred to Cleopatra. This is shown in many instances throughout the play the first of which comes in Act 1 Scene 2 where Enobarbus mistakes the footsteps of Cleopatra for those of Antony: Enobarbus: Hush, here comes Antony. Charmian: Not he, the Queen. This can either be seen as a genuine mistake in which case the audience can only assume the walk of Cleopatra is actually very similar to that of Antony; alternatively, it could be read that Enobarbus is being a bit cheeky and inferring the gender reversal he believes is taking place between the two of them. Either way it is an interesting comment which, although can not be reflected on at the time by the audience as Cleopatra starts talking, it does introduce the idea which re-emerges on many occasions later on in the play. A physical representation of this comes in Act 2, Scene 5 where a description of a night in which the couple got very drunk and exchanged clothes is given Cleopatra: Then put my tires and mantles on him, whilst I wore his sword Philippian. This displays the exchange which has occurred very clearly and depending on the director it could even be shown visually to the audience. The sword mentioned is just one of many phallic symbols used by Shakespeare and it is used on many occasions often representing Antonys fading masculinity, Antony: My sword, made weak by my affection. One recurring quality in the play is how perceptive the other characters are to the events going on around them; nothing seems to go unnoticed. The gender reversal I have been referring to is also picked up on by the Romans and is described here in Act 1, Scene 4 by Caesar; (Antony) is not more manlike Than Cleopatra, nor the Queen of Ptolemy More womanly than he; This is clearly seen as a weakness and is one way Antony is losing his authority as a world power; he is losing the respect of his contemporaries, an example of the route the relationship takes, finally becoming more destructive than creative and leading to the couples eventual downfall. The gender issues are not the only ones to be noticed by the other characters. Antonys constant struggle for power does not go unnoticed by the soldiers, especially Ventidius who, in Act 3, Scene 1 describes how he restrained from being too impressive in battle so as not to threaten Antonys authority: Better to leave undone than, by our deed, Acquire too high a fame when him we serves away.
Friday, September 20, 2019
History Of The Higgs Boson Particle Philosophy Essay
History Of The Higgs Boson Particle Philosophy Essay From a distance, the Higgs Boson particle may seem completely irrelevant and disconnected from the real world, but its actually more integral to life and everything around you, than you may think. Have you ever contemplated why you weigh what you do? Im not alluding to the second doughnut you had this morning, or the ill advised chips on the way home, but rather the fundamental reason as to why the atoms that make up your body and everything else in the world, have a certain mass-If you havent youre not alone-until recently, scientists havent thought about it much either. Before the standard model of particle physics came along, the origin of mass was not even considered a problem; that an object had mass was simply assumed. But when scientists began probing objects at smaller and smaller scales, they discovered that it was not quite as simple as that: according to the standard model, fundamental particles should weigh nothing at all. The standard model describes the behavior and interactions of all of the most fundamental particles we have seen and one other particularly elusive one that, physicists hope, we will see in the near future. The model was developed throughout the 20th century and finalized when the existence of quarks, the particles that make up protons and neutrons, was confirmed in the 1970s. At the time many of the particles predicted by the standard model were yet to be seen. Over the years since then, physicists have ticked these particles off, one by one, like items on a shopping list. Now they are left with just one remaining unfound particle the Higgs boson. The Higgs requires a leap of faith, because so far it is entirely hypothetical. Some physicists are counting on it to help solve the most intractable riddles in their profession. It might, for instance, explain the preponderance of matter over antimatter in the cosmos. Or it might yield a formula that would unite gravity with the three other fundamental forces into a long-sought theory of everything. Above all, the Higgs could be the emissary of a ubiquitous force field that confers mass on matter. It could answer a huge question: Why does matter weigh something instead of nothing? The Higgs was born of wishful thinking. British theoretical physicist Peter Higgs of the University of Edinburgh came up with the idea of the Higgs field and its associated particle the Higgs boson in 1964. The field he proposed extends throughout the universe, and interacts with matter particles in such a way as to give them mass. After an interaction the field leaves behind a telltale sign the Higgs boson. Finding a Higgs boson would prove that the Higgs field exists. The Higgs Field and the Large Electron Positron Physicist Steven Weiberg of the University of Texas and Pakistani theorist Abdus Salam used the higgs concept to bring the theory in line with reality. Weinberg (along with Ian Samples explanation of the Higgs Boson) describes the higgs field like a sea of molasses (or think of it as a massive plate completely filled with sugar grains) that fills all of space. It resists the movement of particles moving at light speed (and constantly crashing against each other), which in turn slows them down and creates a drag-the more a particle interacts with the field the heavier (and slower) it gets- which in turn causes the symmetry of the standard model to be restored because mass is no longer seen as an intrinsic property of matter,i.e all elementary particles weigh nothing until they interact with the higgs field. The reason why the higgs field is such a solid theory is because the variations in the higgs field interactions are the only explanation physicist have for the fact that the heaviest known particle weighs 200,000 times as much as the lightest one, while protons weigh nothing at all. Nobel laureate Leon Lederman wrote in his book (The God Particle, 1993) that The Higgs field, the standard model and our picture of how God made the universe, all depends on finding the Higgs Boson. His book paved the way for the Superconducting Supercollider, the $10 billion accelerator he designed to get the Higgs-due to it being thought of the most massive of all elementary particles the Higgs Boson would show up in only ultrahigh energy collisions-it was to be built, but after the book released the US congress pulled the plug on the project, of course this was the several heartbreaks for Higgs seekers. They came at the Large Electron Positron, or LEP, collider, a 17-mile-long particle smasher on the Franco-Swiss border at the European Center for Nuclear Research, called CERN for short. In August 2000, after a decade of collisions at gradually escalating energies, the collider team saw data that hinted at the presence of the Higgs. We were sure we were going to find the Higgs part icle, says experimental physicist Christopher Tully of Princeton University, who heads the CERN search. It was a very dramatic moment. Unfortunately, the LEP collider was shut down for good in November 2000 to make way for the $2.5 billion Large Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider and 4th of July 2012. The LHC will be supported by 5,000 physicists and 500 research institutes around the world. It will hurl particles with seven times the energy of the Tevatron. The LHC discovery of the Higgs is guaranteed-if it exists, says experimental physicist Suyong Choi of Fermilab. As a recap, we know that the origin of mass occurs at LHC energies. We know this because two fundamental forces, electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, unify at these energies (see the second heading and the picture here). The reason these forces look different to us in everyday, low-energy, life is that the force-carrying-particles for the weak force (the W and Z) have mass. In the Standard Model of particle physics, this mass can only happen if a certain kind of quantum field fills the universe, and sort of sticks to some particles to give them mass. Inventing a whole-universe-filling-field just to make your maths work is quite extreme. The only way of proving whether youve done the right thing or not, whether the field is real or not, is to make a wave in the field. This wave is, or would be, the Higgs boson. And it has to show up at the LHC or the field is either not there, or very different from what we expected. Nowhere to hide. Anyway, as you heard in Fabiolas talk today, ATLAS has found something. And as you and I heard today, CMS have found the same thing. Now, it looks like the Higgs boson. Or a Higgs boson. But it might not be. It has the right electric charge (i.e. none). It seems to appear about as often as it should in some decay modes. It is definitely a boson. But it is supposed to give mass to all fundamental particles, and we havent seen it do anything with fermions (quarks and leptons) yet, just bosons. What does this all mean for ordinary people? And why should they care? 1) It is the most important scientific discovery of the 21st Century, and on par with Copernicuss discovery that the sun is the center of our solar system. 2) Its likely to have some practical uses that we cant fathom right now, in much the same way as the discovery of the electron enabled every electronic device you use today. 3) We were right. Scientists theorized that a particle like the Higgs boson has to exist. They built a remarkable machine, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to find it. And they found it. Which not only allows us to feel good about ourselves as humans, it allows scientists to continue using a model of the universe that theyve been working on for more almost 50 years. In short, scientists dont have to start from scratch. And, this model and the LHC will allow us to explore even more nebulous ideas, such as dark matter. Many people, including Peter Higgs himself, subscribe to the view that science for the sake of understanding the world around us is inherently valuable. If however, you need a more concrete reason to care about the Higgs, allow me to borrow some words from Carl Sagan: everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives on the pale blue dot we know as Earth and none of it would have ever existed without the Higgs boson.
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