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Impact of the Discretionary Social Fund
Effect of the Discretionary Social Fund The Discretionary Social Fund: Discretion however Little Valor! The presentation of the Social...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Impact of the Discretionary Social Fund
Effect of the Discretionary Social Fund The Discretionary Social Fund: Discretion however Little Valor! The presentation of the Social Fund in 1988 was politically determined. Preceding its presentation, there were accessible a progression of awards (â€Å"Single Payments†) which were accessible starting at right. The basic which drove the measure was the need to compel the ever-prospering Social Security financial plan. Obviously, sure of the expressed points were cursorily laudable[1]: â€Å"To focus consideration and help on those candidates confronting most prominent troubles in overseeing on their salary; To empower a more fluctuated reaction to inevitable individual need than could be accomplished under the past standards; To kick off something new in the field of network care†In any case, it may be contended that in seeking after the points of containing the Social Security spending plan without antagonistically influencing the proficiency of the fundamental Income Support conspire, the three goals portrayed above have become ignored or even partial. To such an extent that the Select Committee on Social Security[2] has addressed whether the Fund has prevailing in its expressed goal of aiding the least fortunate and generally defenseless in the public eye and has encouraged the Government drastically to reevaluate (â€Å"urgent upgrade and an infusion of funds†) the working of the reserve, specifically â€Å"so that it might work to improve the methodology to decrease youngster destitution, instead of neutralize it†. Specific concern has been communicated by good cause working in the field of youngster poverty[3]. The Discretionary Social Fund works inside monetary strategies and weightings and is liable as far as possible for each regulatory region. This offers ascend to analysis that applications to the Fund are dependent upon both a â€Å"postcode†and a â€Å"calendar lottery†. The segments of the Social Fund are: Network Care Grants (â€Å"CCGsâ€Å"); Planning Loans; and Emergency Loans. By stand out from the past framework, the accessibility of awards instead of advances has gotten seriously limited. The FWA[4] recognizes that while CCGs are planned to assist individuals with remaining or restore themselves inside the network: â€Å"†¦decisions are optional and are liable as far as possible, what considers extraordinary weight can differ and the Social Fund Inspectors consistently observe cases that have been declined when qualifying conditions have been met and an installment ought to have been granted.†Increasingly malevolent despite everything is the move in accentuation to credits. This might be introduced politically as an honorable social goal, disheartening proceeded with dependence on â€Å"hand outs†and empowering a feeling of money related self-control and obligation. In actuality, the emphasis on reimbursement militates against the getaway from neediness of those of the most restricted methods. The standard which underlies Budgeting Loans is again praiseworthy: intrigue free loaning to the individuals who are in trouble planning after a period on benefits and normally utilized for the acquisition of basic family things, for example, beds and cookers. As a matter of fact they offer important help to the individuals who can't get to different types of credit and are straightforwardly repayable from advantage accordingly guaranteeing reimbursement discipline. Nonetheless, they are likewise liable to the â€Å"postcode lottery†portrayed above and the reimbursement rates are high and unyielding (78 weeks at between 5%-25% of advantage). Exacting guidelines demoralize rehash applications or â€Å"topping up†. The final product is a disappointment enough to address the issues of numerous poor families offering ascend to specific worry for the government assistance of the kids inside such family units. This is because of what ought to have been anticipated to be an u nsuitable imkpact upon week by week pay: advantage rates are by definition determined to meet the means costs of the nuclear family being referred to. Derivations from such a negligible degree of pay can't neglect to prompt difficulty. In any case, an increasingly positive assessment of the Social Fund is provided by the Department for Work and Pensions[5] which depicts it as â€Å"an critical and profoundly esteemed wellspring of money related help for beneficiaries. It positively affected recipients’ life circumstance, and had a significant effect to the lodging condition in which individuals lived.†However, in a similar manner as the FWA, the creators of this report recognize that â€Å"there was restricted information on rules and qualification measures among recipients†and â€Å"there may likewise be degree to giving all the more preparing to staff on a portion of the boundaries that beneficiaries face when applying†and to â€Å"offer money related counsel to beneficiaries while giving data on the Social Fund†. There are additionally glaring inadequacies in the methodology by which Social Fund choices might be audited. Disappointed inquirers may look for inside surveys of starting choices and further audit by the Social Fund Inspectors of the Independent Review Service of the Social Fund. Such choices are themselves helpless to legal audit. Notwithstanding, as Pick and Sunkin[6] question: â€Å"Created out of bargain, is the IRS survey framework to be viewed as an authoritative gadget for redirecting analysis of an unsound framework by methods for emblematic due process..?†It is beyond the realm of imagination in an accommodation of this length to accomplish more than start to expose the effect of the optional social store. Notwithstanding, as has been illustrated, the framework is in a general sense imperfect on a basic level and faulty in activity. There is a horrifying corresponding with the activity of the much-defamed Child Support Agency. The last was conceived of a political want to lessen the weight forced on the standardized savings financial plan by careless guardians however has in numerous cases signally neglected to convey advantage to the planned beneficiaries. The advance commanded instrument of the Social Fund likewise neglects to meet the acknowledged social strategy targets of the legislature. Catalog Buck, T. Smith, R., A Critical Literature Review of the Social Fund, (Summary Report) for The National Audit Office (7 April 2004) Office for Work and Pensions, The Discretionary Social Fund and Money Management, Research Report No 241 (2005) Family Welfare Association, ‘Like it or Lump It’, A Role for the Social Fund in Ending Child Poverty, April 2002 Pick, K. Sunkin, M., The Changing Impact of Judicial Review: The Independent Review Service of the Social Fund, (2001) PL 736 Select Committee on Social Security, Third Report, The Social Fund: A Lifeline for the Poor Or the Fund that Likes to Say No? (2001) HC 232 References [1] Select Committee on Social Security, Third Report, The Social Fund: A Lifeline for the Poor Or the Fund that Likes to Say No? (2001) HC 232, para.1 [2] Op. Cit., paras.117-118 [3] Family Welfare Association, ‘Like it or Lump It’, A Role for the Social Fund in Ending Child Poverty, April 2002 [4] Op. Cit., Chapter 2 [5] Department for Work and Pensions, The Discretionary Social Fund and Money Management, Research Report No 241 (2005), p.5 [6] Pick, K. Sunkin, M., The Changing Impact of Judicial Review: The Independent Review Service of the Social Fund, (2001) PL 736 at p.740
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Influence of Western Music in India free essay sample
The creation, execution, importance and even the meaning of music fluctuate as indicated by culture and setting. Music can be partitioned Into classes and lowers, in spite of the fact that the digging lines and connections between music classifications are frequently inconspicuous, at times open to singular understanding, and periodically dubious. Inside expressions of the human experience, music might be delegated a performing craftsmanship, a compelling artwork, and sound-related workmanship. To numerous individuals in numerous societies music is a significant piece of their lifestyle. Apparently there is no single and intercultural all inclusive idea characterizing what music eight be. Music in India incorporates various assortments of society, well known, and old style music. Indians old style music custom, Including Carnation and Hindustan music, has a history spreading over centuries and, created more than a few times, It stays central to the lives of Indians today as wellsprings of otherworldly Inspiration, social articulation and unadulterated diversion. India Is comprised of a few dozen ethnic gatherings, communicating in their own dialects and lingos. Having particular social traditions.However, in the course of recent decades, there has been a critical impact of different esters frames in India inferable from globalization and increment in the utilization of created innovations. This exploration is an endeavor to watch this impact over customary Indian Music and to contemplate whether it has hampered or has increased the value of Indian music. 1. 2 Reason for choosing this point Music has been an Integral piece of my life since youth. Have consistently been genuinely connected to this type of workmanship. The different arrangements, Instruments and types of music have Intrigued me Immensely.This curiousness has driven me to pick this theme for investigate and has empowered me to get music, particularly Indian sic in a superior way. 1. 3 Research target o To examine the section of western music in India. O To contemplate the utilization of western instruments in blend with Indian instruments. O To examine whether the audience members incline toward western music over Indian music. 1. 4 Research Problem The shopping center Idea of research Is to consider the section and Influence of western music on different types of Indian Music to be specific, people music, old style music, film music etc.The center Is additionally around the Increasing impact of different western Instruments on Indian music and how the conventional type of music has offered approach to current sounds through hello lean toward western structure over Indian music. 1. 5 Scope and Limitations Like any exploration venture, this examination is restricted by a few imperatives that could fill in as beginning stages for additional examination. While the exploration report gives a thought regarding the impact of different types of Western Music in India, it doesn't give an exhaustive sign of which is a superior type of music.It just tosses light about the inclination of the audience members and is totally unprejudiced in its surmising. A second requirement of this exploration is the time confinement. The exploration was completed inside a restricted time allotment of two months. The third requirement is the example size of the investigation. The essential research was completed with a little example size of 50 respondents, dominant part of which were understudies in and around suburbia of Iambi. 1. 6 Defining the factors Independent variable: Music Dependent variable: (I) Preference of audience members (it) Instruments utilized 2.LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Theoretical Literature Review Indian music spreads out the course of events of that unafraid Journey from the Vided songs to the music of the contemporary period. Indians were consistently agreeable in showing themselves in the midst of the creativity of tune; raga, tall and sure. Ideally in this way, Indian music has progressively gotten one of the much recognized sorts of the shifted work of art. The rich annal of Indian music uncovers its journey from the antiquated Vided psalms to the ongoing period where music has increased an entire new face.Indian music has consequently seen a ton of adjustment with respect to its style, word usage and approach. Gone are the hours of Sanskrit melodies and it is with the presentation of the Pop, Rock, and western combination and metal groups, Indian music has become part progressively contemporary. The attributes of Indian music will be clear whenever contrasted and Western music. There are basic contrasts between the two frameworks: the first depends on song single notes played in a provided request, while the second is symphonious: a gathering of notes called harmonies played simultaneously.The late Dry. Refereeing Étagã ¨re who was familiar with both the frameworks put it in this way: The world by day resembles Europeans music-a streaming concourse of immense congruity, made out of accord and strife and many disengaged sections. Also, the night world is our Indian music: one puree profound and delicate raga. The two of them mix us, yet the two are opposing in soul. In any case, that would not benefit from outside assistance. At the very root, nature is isolated into two, day and night, solidarity and assortment, limited and infinite.We men of India live in the domain of night; we are overwhelmed by the feeling of the One and Infinite. Our music draws the forlorn district of renunciation which lies at the base of the universe, while European music drives us to a variegated move through the interminable ascent and fall of human pain and Joy. Fundamentally Indian music inspires an otherworldly estimation and order an aching for acknowledgment of the self salvation. Vocal singing is a demonstration of love and not a scholarly presentation of authority over raga-technique.In the West, he singing of a melody is a mainstream and formal exercise, not including commitment or devotion as on account of Indian music. The Guru-sashay custom liable for the profound connection and devotion of the understudy to the educator. In the West, typically a music educator is Just an individual recruited for giving exercises and there is no closeness between the instructor and the educated. Indian music, similar to Western music, depends on song and beat, yet it has no establishment of amicability and antithesis so imperative to Western music.Indian music is modular dependent on the connection between the lasting individual noted called the tonic, with the progressive notes. That is the reason the automaton is played out of sight of vocal music to help one to remember the tonic note. The Indian framework is even, one note following the other, while the European is vertical-a few notes one after another. Shroud Menu, the prominent writer and musicologist, features the contrast between the two frameworks by portraying Indian music in this way: The acknowledge Indian music, one needs to embrace a totally extraor dinary feeling of qualities. .. En must orientate oneself and at any rate for the period concerned, overlook there is a period clock ticking ceaselessly and simply sink into a sort of emotional, practically entrancing daze. In that condition, the redundant highlights of Indian music, both cadenced and melodic, get an exceptional interest and appeal Despite the control of this sleep inducing mind-set, an attribute of Indian music is that a long way from stifling the astuteness, it effectively frees the psyche. Another outstanding distinction is in the spot of organization in both the systems.In Western music, an arranger initially makes the music and places it in documentation: later the players play the music under the direction of a conductor. There is not really any impromptu creation, and the estimation of execution lies in the consistency and the pre-decided direct of tone and peed of music. In an Indian melodic presentation, while the language of song and cadence is fixed, the aptitude and inventiveness of the performer lies in his act of spontaneity and innovativeness, particularly in summoning of the state of mind and Rasa of the specific raga.In this association a worldwide musicologist composes: In the West, we build strong squares of music. In the wake of having cut out geometrically, in enormous segments, such as building stones, the seven degrees of the diatonic scale, arranged them and put them on one another as per astutely worked out engineering laws which are called antith esis and concordance. Along these lines we raised breathtaking structures in sound. In the East, nobody longed for separating sound into obstructs; rather they refined it to a wire-slender thread.They endeavored fastidiously to loosen up the sound, to refine it to the point of extraordinary delicacy. No normalized materials, no structure of two or six or ten stories; rather a straightforward variegated silk string which loosens up and rises and falls vaguely, yet which in each littlest bit brings out a universe of emotions and sensations. In Indian music, song and cadence are progressively evolved and offer an extraordinary assortment of nuances, unrealistic in Western music.Indian notes are isolated into little units called guarantees (22 receivers taking all things together), though Western music has mouthpieces decorated with headstone (gammas) produce a supernatural impact. Western music is fit for delivering numerous temperaments and emotions. While Indian music has commonly a primary state of mind or feeling in a raga. The Indian artist ad libs as indicated by his own imaginative virtuoso inside the structure of a raga, yet in Western old style music such scope of individual act of spontaneity is incomprehensible, with the exception of in Jazz. Additionally, the extraordinary utilization of drums in Indian music underscores its basic rhythm.It s just by keeping ones ears and brains open that one can value the exceptional groupings and songs not quite the same as ones own. This will apply similarly to Indian crowds going to exhibitions of Western music, and to Western crowds tuning in to Indian music. Let us not overlook that the two sorts of music are corresponding, similar to two parts of old style music. Since the only remaining century, Just as India has absorbed western culture by means of its language, expressions, dress, and so on , so has it retained and acclimatized the western music in the very same manner. A dynamic culture is never terrified of remote impact. In any event, when an intemperance of impersonation manifests itself, our way of life will eventually dismiss it and progress towards a sweeping
Friday, August 14, 2020
Officially on Twitter - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Officially on Twitter - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Officially on Twitter If you have not noticed yet (see the right hand side of the blog), I am now officially on twitter! I have absolutely no idea how I will use this within the UGA Admissions role, but I have a few ideas. Since file reading will be starting soon, and I will be overwhelmed with files, I am guessing I might share some interesting thoughts from the process. Feel free to follow me if you wish, but please be patient as I adapt to this new technology. Please let me know if you have any suggestions/ideas, but remember that I will be very limited text-wise. Now I just have to learn how to write in 140 characters or less. Go Dawgs (and beat LSU)!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Myths Of Nuclear Power Safety - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2201 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Energy Industry Essay Level High school Tags: Nuclear Power Essay Did you like this example? There are many myths and lies surrounding pro-nuclear power that are being made public by people who have a vested interest in the production and growth of the nuclear power industry. The myths that nuclear is a safe energy source, cost less to construct and operate, is better for the environment and has little risk of being used for terrorism all are being presented to the public from the media who are being fed these lies by the Nuclear Science Organization and nuclear power business when in fact nuclear power poses a huge safety and environmental risk to all living life forms.  The public has a right to be educated on the truths that surround these lies and to be educated on the subject of nuclear power.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Myths Of Nuclear Power Safety" essay for you Create order Nuclear power plants are very complex systems which are operated by humans who can and do make mistakes such as improper maintenance leading to equipment failures and human error makes a future meltdown possible no matter how well a plant is designed. Human error can cause accidents and failures that cause safety concerns for the workers, the environment and the general public. There are also many safety concerns because of failure that result from natural disasters flooding, fires and earthquakes. We have seen many accidents and failures of nuclear power facilities such as those in Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima that could be avoided in the future with the discontinuation of nuclear power facilities. One of the most common myths surrounding nuclear power is that the operating costs of nuclear power stations are far less than those of a coal power station. Nuclear power and coal stations actually have similar costs in the combined expenses of operation, maintenance and fuel costs. Nuclear power plants only have a lower fuel cost but they have a higher operation and maintenance cost which operationally becomes very comparable to that of a coal power station. New nuclear plant construction has a very high initial capital investment with an estimated construction cost upward of $9 billion per unit and most nuclear power stations have not been built within budget and most greatly exceed these budgets. The last station constructed in Finland was â€Å"3 years behind schedule and at least 1.7 billion euros over budget†(Disendorf). Another common myth with nuclear power is that very little waste is produced compared to coal power, this results in an unfair and misleading comparison. The high level nuclear waste produced by the nuclear power plant is uranium which contains radioactive material and is extremely hazardous to all life forms as well as the environment. The radioactive waste material is regulated by the government and must be properly contained and isolated in order to protect human life as well as the environment. Coal power does produce waste in the form of coal ash however when compared in the same amount to that of radioactive waste the coal ash has much less harmful properties and some of this wast e can be reused for things such as making concrete. When it comes to the discussion of dealing with the radioactive waste produced by the nuclear power plants one myth being reported is that the problem has been solved long term in the managing of the high level nuclear wastes. The truth is this problem has been solved in engineering theory meaning that according to science and on paper there is a solution but this problem has never actually been solved in practice of safely disposing and storing the radioactive material. â€Å"There is no long- term high-level nuclear waste dump operating in the world†(Disendorf ). The dump site on the Yucca Mountian in Nevada was shut down in 2010 under the orders of President Obama when he suspended licensing needed for this facility to operate in order to continue storing high levels of nuclear waste. The countries of Finland and Sweden are in the process of building underground dumps for nuclear waste storage which is a temporary solution because no one knows how to create facilities that can house and will be able to keep radioactive waste safe for long periods of time, the waste must be kept safe and undisturbed for at least 10,000 years. Reprocessing or recycling of the nuclear waste is an idea that has been introduced to solve the problem with storage of these waste products. Unused fuel can be recycled to make new fuel and most of the waste after the recycling process would only require a storage time of 300 years leaving only about 1% of the waste radioactive. Recycling or reprocessing the nuclear waste seems like a great plan in theory however reprocessing would be very costly and poses environmental and safety concerns. Reprocessing uses a series of chemical operations which separates the plutonium and uranium from other nuclear waste that comes from the used fuel in the nuclear power reactors. The separated plutonium can be used to fuel reactors however the cost of the reprocessing and the use of plutonium to fuel the reactors is far more expensive than using uranium fuel and disposing of the used fuel or nuclear waste directly. Due to the prohibitive costs the U.S. decided in the late 1970’s to not reprocess the used fuel from their reactors but to dispose of the waste in an underground repository where it would need to remain isolated for at least tens of thousands of years from the environment. A recent industry estimate showed that a reprocessing plant with a capacity of processing 2,000 metric tons of nuclear fuel waste annually would cost $20 billion to build and two of these facilities would be needed in the U.S. alone just to reprocess all of it’s nuclear fuel waste. If spent fuel is not disposed of properly it could be used for or stolen by terrorists and used for creating a nuclear weapon which causes security issues. Reprocessing would increase the risk of nuclear terrorism, very little plutonium less than 20 pounds in fact is needed to make a simple nuclear weapon. If the U.S. continues it’s practice of storing nuclear power waste the plutonium remains bound in the used fuel making it impossible to steal however when plutonium is separated it’s stored in a concentrated powder form increasing the risk of theft and terrorism. There are a few arguments surrounding the threat of nuclear weapons being produced from the waste. One argument is countries that are currently using nuclear power or pursuing the use of nuclear power have signed a treaty stating they will comply with the rules of not using their nuclear technologies toward making nuclear weapons however any country with nuclear technology needs to be considered a great risk. Security of the nuclear plants has been a large concern because many of these plants do not follow the same safety measures and protocols in the protection of the nuclear byproducts resulting in a high probability of a security breech, theft and misuse of the spent fuel. Some argue the spent fuel from the reactors of a nuclear power station does not produce weapon grade plutonium which would not be usable in making a nuclear weapon. Nuclear bombs have been made from the reactor grade plutonium and although they are less efficient and less predictable the amount of damage is still the same, in fact the unpredictability of these weapons makes the risk greater. Another argument is the countries that have developed nuclear weapons used military facilities and not civil facilities to research and develop their weapons. The truth is many countries have used civil nuclear power plants and spent fuel to develop nuclear bombs, these countries include India, Pakistan, North Korea and currently Iran. Other countries such as the UK and France used nuclear power to add to their stocks of plutonium. The countries of Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, Libya, South Africa and Taiwan used nuclear power to begin the research and testing process for developing nuclear power but decided to dismantle their facilities. My final argument on nuclear power is safety for the environment and all living life form. Nuclear power has been called a clean source of energy and the nuclear power plants are said to not release carbon dioxide emissions. This is a deceivingly true statement. Nuclear power plants may not emit carbon dioxide during operation but every step in the nuclear fuel cycle except the actual operation of the reactors burn fossil fuels and emit carbon dioxide. Nuclear power plants use uranium ore as fuel and the mining process releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the environment. There is also Carbon dioxide released into the environment when new nuclear power plants are built and in the transport of radioactive waste also causing carbon dioxide emissions. Nuclear power plants are constantly emitting radiation, though these are low levels of radiation it’s a constant emission into the environment. Studies have shown an increased rate of cancer among people who have worked in nuclear power plants and those who have lived near these nuclear power plants. â€Å"The degree of damage low levels of radiation cause to wildlife, plants and the ozone layer is not fully understood. More research is being done to determine the magnitude of effects caused by low levels of radiation in the environment.†(Kivi) Cooling systems have been put into place to keep the nuclear power reactors from overheating however these cooling systems are causing problems to the environment. Water is pulled from rivers and oceans to cool the reactors however fish are being sucked into these intake systems resulting in the death of many fish. When the water is used to cool the system it is then returned to the ocean or river from which it came but it is now roughly twenty five degrees warmer than the water was originally, the warming of the water causes a shock on the fish and plant life killing more fish. The transportation and storage of the nuclear waste poses another safety and environmental concern. Nuclear waste is often not stored onsite and requires transportation to a storage facility. The waste would be transported in large trucks and in the event of an accident or a possible leak it would cause a large radioactive spill site causing contamination to our soil and water ways. We could also see soil contamination in the even of the casks the waste is stored in leaking and with the storage needing to be maintained for a minimum of 10,000 there is no way to know if they will hold up. Even when we take human error out of the equation we will still have natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis like the ones that caused the damage and failure of the plant in Fukushima. These natural disasters resulted in major damage to the nuclear reactors causing the system leak radioactive waste releasing radioactivity into the air, soil and sea. The contamination of the area led to a large evacuation that is still in effect for many people who are displaced from their homes without an end in sight. This was a devastating event for the people of Japan as well as the sea life and has been a very costly clean up and repair process and a drain on not only the country of Japan but other countries as well. There are also concerns about other types of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados and even the rise in sea level that can lead to catastrophic failures. Do the benefits of nuclear power out weigh the risks? The list of fallacies told by the nuclear power companies to the general public will continue to go on and on but the facts show that most all of their claims are lies. Many of the statements given only contain partial truths such as many environmentalists have become pro-nuclear, when in truth aside from two well know environmentalists very few prominent environmentalists are pro-nuclear. Another example of these partial truths is with the decrease in oil production we will need nuclear power as a substitute. The truth is the main sources of fuel for our electricity generation globally are coal and gas. Oil is mostly burnt for transportation so unless electric cars become used much more largely globally in our daily transportation nuclear power is irrelevant as a solution for oil conservation as we see a decline in oil production. As long as the nuclear power companies continue to be in business lies will be told and the people of the general public will have to look outside of the media in order to obtain facts and educate themselves on the hidden agenda of those in the business of seeing nuclear power succeed. The safety, cost and sustainability of nuclear power have been falsely reported on for many years because of lies fed to the media by those with a vested interest in seeing growth in the nuclear power industry. Those lies have only taken into consideration the best interest in the growth of the nuclear power business and have not considered what is in the best interest of the environment, or human life which is you the people who will be living with the consequences of their decisions.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Gender, Masculinity, And Body Structure And How It Is...
In adolescent’s years, the process of the development stages to boy’s bodies takes place. A male’s body structure and how it is perceived by society contributes to their construction of their masculine identities (Addis, M. E., Reigeluth, C. S., Schwab, J. R., 2016). Swain (2003) researchers suggest males constructed their sense of self through their bodies which are used as a social symbol to peers that is a display of masculinity. Kimmel (1997), suggest males create their masculine identities through their social interactions, such as sports. Within sports, masculinity is heavily highlighted, because society perceives a muscular sculpture and athleticism as male qualities. Researchers examined how males use their bodies in intimidating ways in sports which reveal their hypermasculinity (Iudici, A., Verdecchia, M., 2015). For instance, boys will join a sport and use their bodies when participating in athletics to show a physical sign of â€Å"toughness†. In sports or physical activities, boy’s masculinity are showcased. Many males measure their own body’s strength and skills to other males (Kehler, 2010; Swain, 2003). Through various interactions, males acknowledge that they have to obtain a powerful and strong body. More importantly, males seek to gain a status through their strengths and skilled body (Kehler, 2010; Swain, 2003). Males that have masculine sculpted bodies are able to attain positions of others males. Typically, in Physical Education (PE), a boy’sShow MoreRelatedYet, A Reading Of Deleuze’S Concept Of ‘Becomings’ Enable1292 Words  | 6 Pagestherefore disrupt the public imagined temporality which consider the innocent girl to slowly transform into an experienced sexual woman. It also conceptualized these anti-linear and sometimes queer ‘becoming’ as a way of managing contradictions in the society discourse. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bite Me A Love Story Chapter 1 Free Essays
string(111) " their love is eternal, and they are creatures of unspeakable evil and stuff, but they are not ancient at all\." The third book in the Love Story series, 2010 1. Hello Kitty BEING THE JOURNAL OF ABIGAIL VON NORMAL, Emergency Backup Mistress of the Greater Bay Area Night The City of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge, shaved vampyre cat named Chet, and only I, Abby Normal, emergency backup mistress of the Greater Bay Area night, and my manga-haired love monkey, Foo Dog, stand between the ravenous monster and a bloody massacre of the general public. Which isn’t, like, as bad as it sounds, because the general public kind of sucks ass. We will write a custom essay sample on Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Still, I think that this battle of dark powers; the maintenance of my steamy, forbidden romance; the torturous break-in of a new pair of red vinyl, thigh-high Skankenstein; platform boots; as well as the daily application of complex eye makeup and whatnot, totally justify my flunking Biology 102. (Introduction to Mutilation of Preserved Marmot Cadavers, with Mr. Snavely, who totally has his way with the marmots when no one is around, I have it on good authority.) But try to tell that to the mother unit, who deserves this despair and disappointment for cursing me with her tainted and small-boobed DNA. Allow me to catch you up, s’il vous plaà ®t. Pay attention, bitches, there will be a test. Three lifetimes ago, or maybe it was like last semester, because like the song says, â€Å"time is like a river of slippery excretions when you’re in love†-anyway-during winter break, Jared and I were in Walgreens looking for hypoallergenic eye makeup when we encountered the beautiful, redheaded Countess Jody and her consort of blood, my Dark Lord, the vampyre Flood, who was totally disguised in jeans and flannel as a loser. And I was all, â€Å"Nosferatu.†Whispered to Jared like a night wind through dead trees. And Jared was all, â€Å"No way, you sad, deluded little slut.†And I was all, â€Å"Shut your fetid penis port, you spunk-breathed poseur.†Which he took as a compliment, so that’s how I meant it, because while Jared is deeply gay, he’s never really gayed anyone up, except maybe his pet rat, Lucifer. Strictly speaking, I think Jared would be considered a rodentsexual, if not for the difficult geometry of the relationship. (See, size does matter!) Note to self: I should totally set Jared up with Mr. Snavely and they can talk about squirrel-shagging and whatnot and maybe I won’t have to repeat Bio 102. Anyway, Jared is a fitting support player in the tragedy that is my life, as he dresses dismal chic and excels at brooding, self-loathing, and allergies to beauty products. I’ve tried to talk him into going pro. ‘Kayso, the vampyre Flood had me meet him at a club, where I offered up myself to his dark desires, which he totally rejected because of his eternal love of the Countess. So he bought me a cappuccino instead and appointed me to be their official minion. It is the duty of the minion to rent apartments, do laundry, and bring the masters a sack with a tasty kid in it, although I never did that last part because the masters don’t like kids. ‘Kayso, the vampyre Flood gave me money and I rented a trs cool loft in the SOMA (which is widely accepted to be the best ‘hood for vampyres because there’s mostly new buildings and no one would suspect ancient creatures of purest evil to hang out there). But it turns out, it was like half a block from the trs cool loft in the SOMA that they already lived in. ‘Kayso, when I take the key to them, hoping they will bestow the dark gift of immortality upon me, this limo full of wasted college-age guys and a painted blue ho with ginormous fake boobs pulls up. And they’re all, â€Å"Where is Flood? We need to talk to Flood. And let us in,†and other demanding shit. And I’m all, â€Å"No way, step off Smurfett. There’s no one named Flood here.†I know! I was all, Oh-my-fucking-zombie-jebus-on-a-pogo-stick! She was blue! And I’m not racist, so shut up. She clearly had self-esteem issues that she compensated for with giant fake boobs, slutty blue body-paint, and doing a carload full of stoners for money. I’m not judging her by the color of her skin. Everyone copes. When I got braces I went through a Hello Kitty phase that lasted well into my fifteens, and Jared maintains that I am still perky at heart, which is not true. I am simply complex. But more about the blue hooker later, because right then the Asian guy looks at his watch and says, â€Å"Too late, it’s sunset.†And they drove off. Which is when I opened the door into the stairwell to the loft and was confronted by Chet, the huge shaved vampyre cat. (Except, at the time, I didn’t know his name, and he was wearing a red sweater, so I didn’t know he was shaved, and he wasn’t a vampyre yet. But huge.) So I’m all, â€Å"Hey, kitty, go away.†And he did, leaving only William, the huge shaved cat homeless guy, lying on the steps. I thought he was dead, because of the smell, but it turns out he was only passed out from alcohol and partially drained of blood and stuff. But I’m pretty sure he’s dead now because, later, Foo and I found his stank-ass clothes on the steps of the loft, full of the gray dust that people turn to when a vampyre drains them. So upstairs I’m all, â€Å"There’s a dead guy and a huge kitty in a sweater on your steps.†And the Countess and Flood are all, â€Å"Whatever.†And I’m all, â€Å"And there was a limo full of stoners here who were totally hunting you.†And they were all, â€Å"Whoa.†And they seemed more freaked out than you’d think, for ancient creatures of dark forbidden romance and whatnot. And it turns out they weren’t-I mean, aren’t. I mean, sure, their love is eternal, and they are creatures of unspeakable evil and stuff, but they are not ancient at all. You read "Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 1" in category "Essay examples" It turns out that the vampyre Flood is only like nineteen, and he’s only known the Countess for like two months. And she’s only like twenty-six, which, while a little crusty, is not that ancient. And despite her advanced age, the Countess is beautiful, with long, totally natch red hair and milky skin, green eyes like emerald fire, and a smoking body that could turn a girl totally lesbo if she wasn’t already a slave to the mad, man-ninja sex-fu of the delicious Foo Dog. (Foo keeps insisting that he can’t be a ninja because he’s Chinese and ninj as are Japanese, but he’s just being stubborn and goes all Angry, Angry Asian on me whenever I bring it up.) ‘Kayso, in the master’s loft I see these two bronze statues, one of this crusty businessman-looking guy, and the other looks like the Countess, except it’s totally naked, or in a leotard, and bronze. And I’m all, â€Å"Exhibitionist, much, Countess? Did it come with a pole?†And she’s all, â€Å"Help Tommy move furniture, Wednesday.†Like that makes any sense at all. (Turns out that Wednesday is a Gothish character from some crusty movie.) ‘Kayso, later, by virtue of my extensive research and sneaking around and whatnot, I find out that the statues aren’t statues at all. That the Countess used to be inside the statue of her, and that inside the crusty businessman statue is the real ancient creature of unspeakable evil, the nosferatu that turned the Countess. And the vampyre Flood, who wasn’t a vampyre at all at the time, had bronzed the two of them when they were sleeping the deep sleep of the daytime dead, which is like the deepest sleep you can get. (You should know right now, that there’s no yawning, gentle drift into sleepytime for vampyres. When the sun breaks the horizon, they drop rag-doll dead on the spot, and you can pose them, paint them, put their hands on their junk and post the pics on the Web, and they won’t know a thing until sundown when they come on like a light and they’re wondering why their naughty bits are green and their inbox is full of propositions from e lfin_love.com.) I know. Whoa! It turns out that Flood, who was known as Tommy, was chosen by the Countess as her day-minion, blood lunch, and love monkey, because he worked nights at the Safeway. Then, the old vampyre, who had turned the Countess only like a week before, started fucking with them-saying he was going to kill Tommy and generally harsh Jody’s reality. ‘Kayso, Flood and his stoner Safeway night crew (called the Animals) hunted down the alpha vampyre, who was sleeping in a big yacht in the Bay, and they stole like jillions in art from the yacht and blew it up with the vampyre in it, which seriously put habaneras in his ‘tude lube, but when he came out of the water, they fucked him up a good long time with spear guns and whatnot. I know! Oh-my-fucking-god-ponies-in-the-barbecue! I know! It just goes to show you, like Lord Byron says in the poem: â€Å"Given enough weed and explosives, even a creature of most sophisticated and ancient dark power can be undone by a few stoners.†I’m paraphrasing. It may have been Shelley. ‘Kayso, the Countess saves the old vampyre from being toasted, but she promises the cops (there were these two cops) to take him away and never come back to the City, but when they go to sleep, Flood, who couldn’t bear to lose Jody, took them downstairs to the biker-sculptors and had them bronzed. But when he was trying to explain to the Countess about why he did it, he drilled holes in the bronze by her ears, and she turned into mist, streamed into the room, and turned him into a vampyre. Which totally surprised him, because he didn’t even know she knew how to do either of those things. (Misting and turning, I mean.) So then they’re like, both vampyres, eternal in their love, but somewhat lame in their night skills. Because Jody had been feeding off of Tommy, she hadn’t thought through what they would eat after Tommy turned vampyre. So, first they went to this homeless guy we’ll call William the Huge Cat Guy (because that’s what people call him) because he used to sit on Market Street with Chet and a sign that said, I AM POOR AND MY CAT IS HUGE. And they ended up renting the huge cat, Chet, to be their shared blood lunch. But it turned out that a large part of Chet’s kitty hugeness was fur, so in order to facilitate the biting process, they shaved him. I’m just glad that I wasn’t their minion yet, because I think we all know who would have ended up shaving the kitty. But no! It didn’t work. I’m not sure why. But William got totally, date-rape-level hammered on the liquor he bought with the huge cat rent money, and they ended up feeding on him. Which is where I, the new princess-elect of darkness, was brought into the fold. (Into the â€Å"fold†means, like, the gang, as in gang of sheep, not fold like in what you do to T-shirts if you’re a casual cotton slave at Old Navy.) It was I, who turned Tommy onto the needle exchange program, where he was able to use his pale thinness to convince them he was a junkie and get syringes so they could take William’s blood and put it in the fridge for the Countess to have in her coffee. Turns out that the only way the vampyre can tolerate real food or drink is if it has a little human blood in it. (The Countess likes blood on her fries, which is at once trs cool and deeply fucked-up.) So, as soon as the Countess and Flood figured out the deal with blood and food, William the Huge Cat Guy wandered off and the Countess had to go find him, since she has more experience at hunting the night, while Flood and I moved stuff from one loft to the other. But I had to get lice shampoo for my useless little sister, Ronnie, who was plagued by vermin, and Flood sent me home early to spare me the wrath of the mother unit because he didn’t want his minion on restriction. (So noble. I think that’s when I fell in love with him.) Then he took the bronzed old vampyre down to the water to dump him in the Bay before the Countess got back. It was clear to me that Tommy had jealousy issues with the old vampyre, and wanted to get rid of him. Except he ran out of dark before he got to the Bay and had to leave the old vampyre sitting by the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero and run from the sun for his life. At the last minute, the Animals drive by in their limo with their stu pid blue ho and scoop the vampyre Flood off the street just before he was incinerated by the sun. I know. WTF? (FYI, when I type WTF, you are supposed to read it What the Fuck? Same with OMG, and OMFG, which are Oh My God and Oh My Fucking God. Only a completely lame Disney Channel nimnode pronounces the letters. Even BMLWA, or Bite My Lily White Ass should only be spoken as letters if you are hanging out with nuns or other people who are embarrassed about being told to bite asses.) ‘Kayso, the Animals go back to work at the Safeway, but not before they tie Flood to a bed frame, where the blue hooker tortured him to get him to turn her into a vampyre, because now she had like all the money that the Animals had gotten for the old vampyre’s art, which was like six hundred thousand dollars, and she wanted to take her time spending it, so she wanted to be immortal. But Flood was like a complete vamp noob. He’d never even killed anyone and turned them to dust or anything, so he didn’t know how to change someone. The Countess didn’t tell him that the chosen had to drink the vampyre’s blood to receive the dark gift. So the blue ho tortures the shit out of him. I know, what a bitch. Meanwhile, the Countess found the huge cat guy, and I found the lice shampoo, but we don’t know where Tommy is. But the Countess was burned from going out on some hot water pipes, so she fed on me, right there in the loft, and I was all, â€Å"Oh shit, I’m going to get the dark gift and I’m, like, wearing my lime-green Chuck Taylors, which are totally not the kicks for becoming a creature of unspeakable power in.†But no, the Countess just partook of my sanguine nectar so she could heal. That’s probably where I fell in love with her. Anyway, she goes asking around about Tommy, and this completely crazy homeless guy who thinks he is the Emperor of San Francisco (you see him and his two dogs in the north end of the City all the time) says that one of the Animals was asking around about Flood. So I’m all, â€Å"Uh-oh.†And the Countess is all, â€Å"Yep.†Next thing you know, we are at the Marina Safeway and the Countess-wearing her black jeans and red leather jacket, but no lipstick-underhands a steel reinforced trash can like as big as a lesbian gym teacher through the big front window, and she just walks right through the falling glass, badass as shit, into the store and starts kicking stoner ass. It was glorious. But she didn’t kill anyone, which turned out to be a mistake, as was, in my humble opinion, not wearing any lipstick. For while it was a heroic ass-kicking as has ever been delivered in real life, it would have been that much cooler if she had some black lipstick on, or maybe something in a dark maroon. But they told her that Tommy was tied up at Lash’s, the black guy’s, apartment. And their shit was all busted up, and I was like, â€Å"You bitches have been powned!†And the Countess was like, â€Å"That’s cute. Let’s go get Tommy.†She can be kind of a bitch sometimes. Anyway, we go to the apartment where Tommy is being held, but when we get there, he’s still tied to the bed frame, but stood up against a wall, all naked and covered in blood, even his junk. And the blue ho is dead on the floor. And I’m all, â€Å"Uh-oh.†And the Countess is all, â€Å"Yep.†And she says something about how the blue ho must have broken her neck or something, because if Tommy had drained her, she would have turned to dust and there would have been no body. Anyway, the cab ride back to the loft was trs awkward, you know, with Flood naked and covered with blood and the two of them all, â€Å"Oh I love you†and, â€Å"Oh I love you, too.†And I was being kind of a mopey little emo queen because I was jealous of both of them because they had their dark and eternal love for each other and I had like my lime-green Chucks and Jared the gay-bait rat-shagger. So that was good. The rescue and whatnot. Because we found the old vampyre art money that the Animals had paid to the blue ho, which was like a half a million dollars. But then we found out that the blue ho was not dead, but somehow had accidentally drunk some of Tommy’s blood when she kissed him during his torture and now she was nosferatu. And she turned all the Animals. Which, you know, was bad. And not in the good way. And the old vampyre had somehow escaped his bronze shell, and he was coming after Tommy and Jody, and even me? He even shook the living shit out of William the Huge Cat Guy while Jared and I watched from an alley across the street. I know! We were all, â€Å"Whoa?†So it’s like, Christmas night, and Jared and I are watching the midnight show of The Nightmare Before Christmas at the Metreon. And we’re all traumatized and whatnot from watching the vampyre pound the huge cat guy, and the Countess calls us. And she and my Dark Lord Flood meet us for coffee at this Chinese diner, which is like the only thing open because the Chinese totally blow off Christmas because there are no dragons or firecrackers in the story. Note to self: Write narrative poem exploring Christmas if the three wise men had given baby Jesus firecrackers, a dragon, and mu-shu pork instead of that other crap. So, after all night drinking coffee laced with Jared’s blood and getting the story on the old vampyre from the Countess and Flood, we go back to the loft and there, in the stairway, is the old vampyre, naked. And he’s all, â€Å"I had to do some laundry. That guy peed on my tracksuit.†(He was wearing a total gangsta yellow tracksuit when we saw him shaking the huge cat guy.) So we like ran, and we had to hide my masters in some rafters under the Bay Bridge when they went out at dawn. No yawning or anything-they just became dead. Well, undead. So we wrapped them in trash bags and duct tape and moved them to Jared’s basement lair in Noe Valley. (His basement lair is sacrosanct-his father and stepmother are afraid that they might walk in on him wanking to gay porn-so it was safe for the masters.) Meanwhile, I went back to the loft to feed Chet the huge shaved cat and decapitate the old vampyre with Jared’s dagger so I could get extra-credit points with the masters, but it turned out that I had not calculated sundown quite right. Since when does the sun go down at like five o’clock? That’s just fucking juvenile. Anyway, when I’m on the steps I hear the old vampyre moving around upstairs. And I’m all, â€Å"Awkward.†Then I hear a car pull up and I run out, right into the arms of this blond ho, who it turns out is the blue ho, who is now nosferatu, along with three of her vampyre minions who used to be the Animals. I know, â€Å"Uh-oh.†So she grabs me and is just about to tear my throat out, when the old vampyre grabs her by the neck and puts her face print in the hood of a Mercedes. He’s all, â€Å"You’re breaking the rules, ho. You can’t just go turning people willy-nilly.†So I was doing a minor booty-dance of ownage at the blond ho, when they all turned on me. So I pull out Jared’s dagger, but just the same I know they are going to have a huge group suck on my pale frame, when this totally fly, race-pimped Honda comes tearing out of the alley, and everything goes white light around the car. And my manga-haired love monkey, Foo, is totally in hero shades, and he’s all, â€Å"Get in.†‘Kayso, he swept me away in his magic nerd-chariot, which he had rigged with ultraviolet floodlights that totally toasted the vamps with simulated sunlight. I know! I’d have done him right there in the car if I was not trying to maintain my detached aura of aristocratic chill. So instead I kissed him within an inch of his life, then slapped him so he didn’t think I was his personal slut, which I totally was. Would be. It turns out that Steve, which is Foo Dog’s day-slave name, had totally been staking out the Countess Jody’s apartment for like a month, since he figured out that she was a vampyre when some blood from one of the old vamp’s victims turned up in his hemo-lab at Berkeley. Foo is like some kind of biotech ber-genius, in addition to having mad ninja-driving skills. Then Foo dropped me off at Tulley’s on Market, where I met Jared and Jody, who sneaked by Jared’s parents by pretending to be lovers, which is disgusting in so many ways I kind of gagged a little when I typed it. (Jared is my emergency backup BFF, but he is a pervy little rat-shagger, as the Countess affectionately refers to him.) So the Countess is all, â€Å"I’m going back to the loft to get the money.†And I’m all, â€Å"No, the old vampyre.†And she is all, â€Å"He is not the boss of me.†(Or something like that. I’m paraphrasing.) And I’m all, â€Å"Whatever, make sure you feed Chet.†So we go back to Jared’s, and when we get there, the vampyre Flood is all fucked up from trying to climb face-down a building in the Castro after a delicious drag queen, like Dracula does in the book (only in the book it’s not in the Castro and Dracula isn’t after a drag queen). Note to self: When I am finally made nosferatu, do not try to climb face-down a wall. So then my sweet love ninja Foo shows up. And he’s all, â€Å"I couldn’t leave you out here, unprotected.†And secretly I was all, â€Å"You rock my stripy socks, Foo,†but publically I just kissed him and tastefully dry humped his leg a little. So we all got in his fly Honda and went back to the loft. When we got there, the second-floor windows were open, and Flood could hear that the old vampyre was up there with Jody. And Foo was all, â€Å"Let me go.†And out of the hatchback, he pulls this long duster that’s covered with little glass warts. And Foo is all, â€Å"UV LEDs. Like sunlight.†The street-level fire door was locked, so Flood was all, â€Å"I’ll go.†But Foo was all, â€Å"No, it will burn you.†But they covered Flood all over, gloves, hat, and a gas-mask that Foo keeps around in case of emergency biology and whatnot, then he put on the duster. Foo gave him a rubber tarp and a baseball bat, and Flood starts working the street like a half-pipe, running up a building on one side, then up the other, until he goes feetfirst through the upstairs window. Personally, I think the Countess could have just jumped up there, but she’s been a vampyre longer than Flood and has better skills. ‘Kayso, there’s this blinding white light from the windows, and next thing we know, the old vampyre comes crashing through the window like a flaming comet and hits the street right by us. And he gets up all blackened and snarly and whatnot, and Foo holds up his UV floodlight and he’s all, â€Å"Step off, vampyre scum.†And the old vampyre ran off. Then Flood comes out the door carrying the Countess, who is looking way more dead than usual, and we took them to a motel to hide them until we could figure out what to do. Foo stole some donor blood from the lab at his college and gave it to Flood and the Countess so they could heal. And Foo’s all, â€Å"You know, I’ve been working on the blood I found on the victims, and I think I can reverse the process. I can turn you human again.†Which is totally why he had been stalking the Countess when I met him. So Tommy and Jody were all, â€Å"We’ll think about it.†‘Kayso, Flood is holding Jody on the bed, and they’re talking softly, but I can hear them, because I’m just by the door and the room’s not that big. And it is clear that their love is eternal and will last for eons, but Flood doesn’t like being a vampyre because the hours suck and whatnot, and Jody likes being a vampyre because of the power she feels after feeling like a little wuss-girl for many years, and they more or less say that they are going to split up just as the sun rises and they go out. And I was all, â€Å"Oh, hell no.†So I had them bronzed. I’m looking at them now. We posed them like Rodin’s The Kiss and they shall be together unto the end of time, or at least until we figure out how to let them out and not have them tear out our throats and whatnot. Foo says it’s cruel, but the Countess told me that they could go to mist, and when they are mist time passes like a dream and it’s all good. But Foo did figure out his serum thingy. We lured the Animals to our love nest and while I was wearing the fly leather jacket that Foo made me, complete with the UV LED warts, which is very cool and cyber, I drugged them and Foo changed them back to human. And the crazy old Emperor guy said he saw three young vampyres take the old vampyre and the formerly blue ho away on a ginormous yacht, so we don’t have to worry about them anymore. Foo wants to cut Flood and Jody out of the bronze statue during the day, while they are sleeping, and turn them back to human. But the Countess doesn’t want that. So I think we should just wait. We have this trs cool apartment, and all of the money, and Foo almost has his master’s in bio-nerdism or whatever, and I only have to go home like twice a week so the mother unit still thinks I am living there. (The key was to condition her from age twelve that sleepovers are normal. Lily, my former sleepover BFF, calls it slowly boiling the frog, which I don’t know what it means, but it sounds darkly mysterious.) So, we are secure in our love nest and as soon as Foo gets home I am going to reward him with the slow booty dance of forbidden love. But something is screeching outside. BRB. Fucksocks! It’s Chet the huge shaved vampyre cat, down on the street. He looks bigger, and I think he ate a meter maid. Her little cart is running and there’s an empty uniform on the curb. Bad kitty! GTG L8erz. How to cite Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 1, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Disscuss the Contingency Approach to Management free essay sample
The contingency, or situational, approach to management theory and practice emerged in the early 1960s from organizational research conducted in the United States and England. With the arrival of the sixties came the expansion of markets based not on the introduction of new products but rather on the differentiation of existing products. Consumers were demanding more variety in the products they purchased. With consumer demand becoming more diversified, so did the types of organizations that were being founded. In addition, the work force was becoming less blue-collar and more white-collar. Many more workers were being employed in activities that did not directly involve the production of a good, but rather the production of a service. Contingency theory attempts to provide a perspective on organizations and management based on the integration of prior theories. Contingency theory starts with the theme of it depends, arguing that the solution to any one managerial problem is contingent on the factors that are impinging on the situation. For instance, where little variation in materials exists in the production process, it is appropriate to break down the work into highly routine tasks. However, where variation is high, requiring many judgments concerning which material is appropriate and which is not, managers will want to avoid making tasks routine. One of the first applications of contingency theory came from research conducted by two British scholars, Thomas Burns and G.M. Stalker. After studying several industrial firms in England, such as textile mills and electronics manufacturers, they concluded that the appropriate managerial techniques were highly dependent on the kind of task the organization was trying to accomplish. Burns and Stalker identified two organization types: mechanistic, for a task that is routine and unchanging, and organic, for a task that is nonroutine and changing. They discovered that the most successful firms were those that used whichever type was appropriate for a given task. When the task was routine and unchanging (mechanistic), the appropriate managerial approach was to emphasize efficiency, a high degree of specialization, and elaborate procedures for maintaining controls over behavior. On the other hand, when the task was nonroutine and changing (organic), the appropriate approach was to emphasize low job specialization, creativity rather than efficiency, and freedom for workers to control their own behaviors rather than relying on rules and procedures to keep them in line. It is clear that this represents an integration of the classical and behavioral approaches. Other theorists, namely Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch and John Child, have enlarged on this perspective and identified contingencies, such as environmental conditions, ownership patterns, strategies, and leadership, as important in assessing the appropriate approach to use in a given situation. One attraction of the contingency approach among theorists and practitioners alike is its situational perspective. Those interested in research issues regarding organization and management can use the contingency perspective to explain why some factors influence situations in one setting but have virtually no influence in another setting. Indeed, one objective of research within the contingency framework is to specify those dimensions and conditions that do affect a situation and those that do not. For the manager, the requirement from the contingency perspective is to identify which technique will, in a particular situation, best contribute to the attainment of organizational goals. For instance, under some circumstances, an authoritarian leadership style may be more appropriate than a leadership style that tries to get workers internally motivated. tuation. While the contingency approach is useful in recognizing that the complexity involved in understanding human and organizational systems makes it difficult to develop universal principles of management, there have been several criticisms of the approach. For one, it has been pointed out that the logical extension of the contingency approach is that all situations are unique. If this is true, then management can be practiced only by intuition and judgment, thereby negating the value of prior knowledge and wisdom. On a research level, contingency theory has been criticized for being atheoretical. One requirement of theory is the ability to test the validity of assumptions by showing that contradictory assumptions do not disprove the theory. In a contingency framework, if contradictory results are obtained, the contingency response would be that the situation is unique or that important dimensions affecting the situation were not tested. Thus, showing that contradictory assumptions disprove the theory would be difficult at best. While these limitations are recognized, we will approach the study of management utilizing the assumptions of contingency theory. We believe that management is a highly complex discipline in both research and practice. We build the approach from previous research and practice and extend the findings to develop an understanding of how contextual, organizational, and human dimensions are integrated. Specifically, we draw ideas from classical management theory regarding the structuring of organizations to increase efficiency and productivity. Behavioral management theory provides knowledge about human needs and motivations that can lead not only to increased productivity but also to enhancement of the working environment. Systems theory serves to identify the context in which organizations operate, thus enabling managers to understand the environment and how the parts, or subsystems, of the organization are interrelated. In addition, we will draw from quantitative management theory for the application of specific tools and techniques that are useful for increasing managerial efficiency and effectiveness. By applying contingency theory to the study of management, you will be able to identify and to solve problems under different situations. You will recognize that the successful application of a technique in one situation does not guarantee success in another. Rather, you will be able to examine each situation in terms of how it is affected by the contextual, organizational, and human dimensions. As a result, your overall ability to correct problems and to become more effective as a manager will increase. Consider the following situation. A shoe manufacturer is faced with decreasing profits. As a manager, this person may conduct a time study from the belief that the decline in profits is due to lower productivity on the part of the workers (classical management theory Classical management theory (Fayol and Urwick) ). The manager may attempt to involve workers more fully in decisions concerning the methods to use in producing the shoes based on the premise that this will motivate workers to produce more (behavioral management theory). Or the manager may establish a committee of sales and production personnel to coordinate the production and distribution of goods under the assumption that large inventories are responsible for the decline in profits (systems theory). Application of a contingency perspective will enable the manager to examine the situation and to determine the cause of decreased profits before a new procedure or program is implemented. Perhaps only one program needs to be implemented, or perhaps all three. However, only through an awareness of all possible solutions to the problem is the manager able to arrive at a correct solution. Contingency theory is designed to provide the manager with the capabilities to examine numerous possible solutions to a problem.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper Essay Example Essay Example
Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper Essay Example Paper Leonardo Da Vinci Research Essay Introduction Famous figures are usually discussed in terms of perfection and flawlessness. That is how people first view Leonardo da Vinci. He was born in 1452, in the town of Vinci, Italy, and admittedly he was an extraordinary child, always fascinated with the scenery and objects around him. When he was around the age of twelve, his biological father sent da Vinci’s drawings to a famous Florentine painter and sculptor, Andrea del Verrocchio. He thought da Vinci’s drawings were very impressive and soon it was arranged for Leonardo da Vinci to become an apprentice. Under the care and teachings of Andrea del Verrocchio, da Vinci learned how to prepare wooden panels for painting, how to grind color by hand, how to make varnish for protecting finished paintings, and much more. As the years went by, da Vinci showed increasing mastery in the fields of science, engineering, and art. He thought up some of the greatest ideas that are still used today such as cars, submarines, helicopters, f lying machines, which would not even have been invented for many more years. People wonder why da Vinci was not recognized as a great artist while he was alive. Unfortunately, Leonardo da Vinci had flaws, just like any other human being. He procrastinated on many of his assigned projects and was very disorganized. He died unhappy because he did not think anything was ever accomplished. He was given many opportunities to prove his genius, but he failed to complete most of his projects which kept him from being acknowledged as a mastermind while he was still alive. Leonardo Da Vinci Research Essay Body Paragraphs Even though Leonardo da Vinci portrayed many characteristics of a modern high school student such as disorganization, procrastination, and incompletion of many projects, the projects that were finished are looked upon as masterpieces of the Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci was a messy and disorganized child and a secretive young adult. Unfortunately, he did not change this habit as he grew older. When he was young, da Vinci collected things that interested him and kept them in his room. Consequently, his room was a messy jungle of animals and objects which he never allowed people to see, being afraid that they might disband his collections. As he grew older, da Vinci kept his notebooks close and continuously filled them with incredible and innovative ideas and drawings. Some of his entries were short jottings and improvements of his inventions but others were â€Å"lengthy and elaborate†entries that went into detail about his numerous projects (Pannapacker 4). Leonardo da Vinci had so many remarkable ideas and he was so â€Å"ahead of his time†it is almost impossible to believe he came up with those inventions (Pannapacker 1). Leonardo da Vinci returned to his notebooks intermittently, revising his thoughts and â€Å"adding drawings and textual elaborations†throughout his life (Pannapacker 4). Most of the additions he made were scribbles on the margins of his notebook. He was paranoid that someone would steal his ideas so da Vinci wrote his notebooks in code. One could only decipher his writings if he held the notebook upside down in front of a mirror. Being left handed, he also wrote from right to left. Even cryptographers have had a hard time trying to decode his notebooks seeing as they are so messy and crammed with information. Da Vinci kept his notebooks for at least thirty-five years and more than five thousand of his manuscripts have been recovered. Da Vinci’s intelligence and artistic skills were publicized only after his de ath when historians discovered his notebooks. Historians describe Leonardo da Vinci as an inveterate procrastinator because he never started or finished projects on time. He seemed â€Å"endlessly distracted†by his notebooks and experiments because he understood the â€Å"fleeting quality of imagination†(Pannapacker 3). Leonardo da Vinci believed that if one did not get an insight down on paper and later develop it while the â€Å"excitement lasts†one is â€Å"squandering the rarest†and â€Å"most unpredictable†of his human capabilities which feels like the moments are â€Å"touched by the hand of God†(Pannapacker 3). One of the biggest examples of da Vinci’s procrastinations were his notebooks. He kept them for a long time, away from people’s eyes and never thought of ever publishing them, stating that they were â€Å"never quite finished†(Williams 45). He left his notebooks a mess and never published â€Å"the treatises†that could have modernized science during his lifetime. Furthermore, Leonardo da Vinci was more interested by his inventions and solving the glitches of those inventions rather than actually trying to build them. His procrastination caused him much grief in later years and despite his contributions he felt he could have achieved much more. As a result of his procrastination, da Vinci did not receive very good pay therefore he was never able to live in lavish homes or have any luxurious possessions. Doodling while the hours passed by, the genius who changed the world wasn’t an expert at getting things done. When Leonardo da Vinci learned about a new topic, he was usually very enthusiastic. Unfortunately, he dropped each subject he was learning after he had â€Å"mastered its rudiments†and continued on to study new subjects, which he would eventually get tired of and forget about (Williams 12). Da Vinci was also â€Å"afraid of success†and never gave his best effort because there was â€Å"no chance of failure that way†(Pannapacker 1-2). Many scientists, historians, and artists could consider Leonardo da Vinci foolish because he â€Å"could never really finish†the projects that he started and he â€Å"never realized most of his inventions in real terms†. He didn’t even begin to think about building these â€Å"marvelous inventions†(Hines 1). Da Vinci’s notebooks were full of illustrations and descriptions about things that were not even going to be invented for many years later. Throughout his lifetime, Renaissance leaders such as Lorenzo the Magnificent and the de Predis family gave Leonardo da Vinci many painting and sculptures to complete. In January of 1478, da Vinci received his first commission as an independent artist. It was an altarpiece for the Chapel of San Bernardo, but he never finished and no one knows what the reason was behind leaving it incomplete, but many peop le believe he could have been lost in his research and notebooks that he forgot what the original purpose of his research was. Leonardo da Vinci never thought small, it was always the bigger the better. At one point in his life, da Vinci wanted to make sculpture of a horse out of 160,000 pounds of metal. He started the project with great enthusiasm, but soon ran into a problem. He had no idea how to bring the horse to life. In order to continue his project, da Vinci drew sketches and studied horses that could have been used as models. He became so lost in his studies of horses that he forgot what his original plan was. Along with these two projects, Leonardo da Vinci left many more unfinished, such as another altarpiece for Monk’s high altar and a painting for the Predis family. Leonardo da Vinci died unhappy, thinking that he hadn’t accomplished in his lifetime. Leonardo da Vinci was the best representation of the idea of a Renaissance man, one who mastered everything from human and animal anatomy to sculptures and paintings. He accomplished wonders such as opening up a new world of beauty, devoted himself to science, and went from a humble village to palaces of princes, popes, and kings. It is debated whether he was a greater engineer, anatomist, or naturalist. Da Vinci’s contributions to art are shown not only in his early works and masterpieces, but also in his many writings. His first major work was â€Å"The Baptism of Christ†in which he co-worked with his mentor, Verrocchio. After seeing what da Vinci had painted, Verrocchio â€Å"threw down his brush†and never painted again (Williams 22). His style of art closely paralleled that of Verrocchio, but he gradually moved away from his teacher’s â€Å"stiff, tight, and somewhat rigid treatment of figures†to develop a more â€Å"evocative and atmospheric handling of composition†which led him to complete some of the world’s most famous and asto unding painting of all time (Hooker 5). His first individual work was â€Å"The Annunciation†which shows when the angel Gabriel informed Mary she would bare the child of God. This painting showed his increased mastery in the field of art. Da Vinci created many works of art that are considered masterpieces. The most famous of these are his portraits of â€Å"Lisa del Giocondo,†also known as â€Å"Mona Lisa,†and â€Å"The Last Supper. †The â€Å"Mona Lisa†is one of the most famous works of art in the world today. Many people wonder who she is and why she is smiling. â€Å"The Last Supper†is famous for two main reasons, Judas, the traitor of Jesus Christ, is positioned behind the table, unlike any other portrayal of this painting. The other reason is how much John, one of the twelve disciples, who is sitting next to Jesus Christ â€Å"looks like a woman†(Hooker 3). This painting has been considered â€Å"one of the most profound works of man†by artist of all generations (Williams 59). The painting is not entirely visible because the wall on which it is painted on was damp and da Vinci used oil and tempera paints. Soon after it was finished it started to peel off the walls. It has been repainted and restored many times. These paintings are not just important because of the aspects of them but also how da Vinci makes them look so life like. Their facial expressions show his deep knowledge of human anatomy and his artistic skills. Leonardo da Vinci also decorated the courtyard and palace where Lodavico’s nephew was getting married. The sight was breathtaking. It looked more like a painting rather than the real thing. The guests were amazed by it. Da Vinci’s reputation grew along with his confidence. Soon, he left Verrocchio and set up his own studio. Leonardo da Vinci is considered one of our world’s most significant and influential people in the world. His notebooks are full of dra wings and notes of ideas and inventions that no one of that time had ever thought of. Living in the Renaissance time period, da Vinci came up with some of the most astounding masterpieces. He portrayed many characteristics of a high school student such as disorganization, procrastination, and incompletion of many projects. When Leonardo da Vinci died, he appealed to God, â€Å"Tell me if anything ever was done. Tell me if anything ever was done†(Pannapacker 1). But one must look past the superficial things that a person might have in order to realize their true genius. It is arguable whether da Vinci’s working habits are dire or not but one thing is for sure, Leonardo da Vinci was truly a genius that is looked upon with great admiration by many scientists and artists. 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Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Role of IBM in the History of Computers
The Role of IBM in the History of Computers This chapter in the History of Modern Computers finally brings us to a famous name most of you will have heard of. IBM stands for International Business Machines, the largest computer company in the world today. IBM has been responsible for numerous inventions having to do with computers. IBM - Background The company incorporated in 1911, starting as a major producer of punch card tabulating machines. During the 1930s, IBM built a series of calculators (the 600s) based on their punch-card processing equipment. In 1944, IBM co-funded the Mark 1 computer together with Harvard University, the Mark 1 was the first machine to compute long calculations automatically. The IBM 701 - General Purpose Computer The year 1953 saw the development of IBMs 701 EDPM, which, according to IBM, was the first commercially successful general-purpose computer. The 701s invention was due in part to the Korean War effort. Inventor, Thomas Johnson Watson Junior wanted to contribute what he called a defense calculator to aid in the United Nations policing of Korea. One obstacle he had to overcome was in convincing his father, Thomas Johnson Watson Senior (IBMs CEO) that the new computer would not harm IBMs profitable punch card processing business. The 701s were incompatible with IBMs punched card processing equipment, a big moneymaker for IBM. Only nineteen 701s were manufactured (the machine could be rented for $15,000 per month). The first 701 went to IBMs world headquarters in New York. Three went to atomic research laboratories. Eight went to aircraft companies. Three went to other research facilities. Two went to government agencies, including the first use of a computer by the United States Department of Defense. Two went to the navy and the last machine went to the United States Weather Bureau in early 1955. Features of the 701 The 1953 built 701 had electrostatic storage tube memory, used magnetic tape to store information, and had binary, fixed-point, single address hardware. The speed of the 701 computers was limited by the speed of its memory; the processing units in the machines were about 10 times faster than the core memory. The 701 also led to the development of the programming language FORTRAN. The IBM 704 In 1956, a significant upgrade to the 701 appeared. The IBM 704 was considered an early supercomputer and the first machine to incorporate floating-point hardware. The 704 used magnetic core memory that was faster and more reliable than the magnetic drum storage found in the 701. The IBM 7090 Also part of the 700 series, the IBM 7090 was the first commercial transistorized computer. Built in 1960, the 7090 computer was the fastest computer in the world. IBM dominated the mainframe and minicomputer market for the next two decades with its 700 series. The IBM 650 After releasing the 700 series, IBM built the 650 EDPM, a computer compatible with its earlier 600 calculator series. The 650 used the same card processing peripherals as the earlier calculators, starting the trend for loyal customers to upgrade. The 650s were IBMs first mass-produced computers (universities were offered a 60% discount). The IBM PC In 1981, IBM created its first personal home-use computer called the IBM PC, another milestone in computer history.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Future Development Trend of The Digital Imaging and Communications in Assignment
Future Development Trend of The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard - Assignment Example The paper tells that the digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) standards keep changing every now and then, with the discovery of new medical practices and needs. Consequently, the future of DICOM standards is dynamic. Therefore, as the advances in technology and medical needs occur, they create a need for new items and procedures that will perfectly suit these new developments. With such needs, then, changes in the DICOM standards are inevitable, since the standards have to accommodate the new items and procedure requirements. For example, there is a need to have medical imaging objects that will support CT objects, as well as allow the visualization of such images in three dimensions. 2Since the medical imaging is changing towards multidimensional visualization, then, it is unavoidable for the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards to follow suit and accommodate these changes. These changes in DICOM standards are likely to affect the equipm ent that is used presently in the medical imaging practice, by requiring such items to be replaced with the ones that accommodate the multi-dimensional visualization. The future of these standards points to a requirement for increased equipment integration.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Compare and contrast Peattie and Ching's position vis-a-vis the Essay
Compare and contrast Peattie and Ching's position vis-a-vis the idea of Japanese colonialism as an "anomaly." - Essay Example Ching focus on the anomaly from the point of view of the struggle Japanese colonies endured in changing their identity to become Japanese, hence the book title â€Å"becoming Japanese.†The book reveals the much tension and challenges involved in the formation and shift of colonial identities (Ching 19). For instance, Japanese colony, Taiwan, expresses multiple forms of national and cultural identifications; Chinese nationalist, Japanese culture, as well as, its own heterogeneous political and cultural practices. Becoming Japanese is a bridge of history and literature that brings out the anomaly in Japanese colonialism. On the other hand, Peattie focus on Japanese colonialism anomaly in their book, The Japanese Colonial Empire, as the source and evolution of the modern empire. In this book, Japanese colonies such as Korea, Karafuto, and Taiwan are termed as an empire that is governed collectively (Peattie 51). It goes further to illustrate the policies and systems that governed it, as well as, the economic dynamics that encouraged it. According to Peattie, Japanese colonialism in context of modern empire that runs from 1895 to 1945 is by itself an anomaly in colonialism (23). In conclusion, it is clear that Japanese way of colonizing is different and exceedingly unique in comparison to western colonialism. Either from ching’s way of thinking or Peattie’s, Japanese colonialism is a global phenomenon, hence colonialism
Monday, January 27, 2020
To What Extent was Guatemalas Civil War Caused by US Policy
To What Extent was Guatemalas Civil War Caused by US Policy Spanning decades from the late 1950s to the 1990s, the Civil War in Guatemala represented one of the longest conflicts in Latin America. During this time; over tens of thousands of refugees fled the country; over a million were made homeless as over four hundred indigenous villages were destroyed; and ultimately over two hundred thousand people were killed or have disappeared.[1] The root of this conflict lay in the ridiculously imbalanced distribution of wealth that had existed within Guatemala for centuries. This misdistribution was born out the combination of a revolutionary international atmosphere, alongside years of economic hardship caused by the governing elites. To what extent each of these factors caused the Civil War will be assessed throughout this essay. Predeceasing the Civil War, the Elites possessed the vast majority of the land in Guatemala. As a result, they exercised a significant amount of power and control over the society. To further the abuses in wealth distrib ution, the U.S. owned substantial amounts of land in Guatemala, and viewed the country as pure potential profit[2]. What is so fascinating in my opinion; are the diverse opinions regarding the roots of the issues. Two major narratives emerged as a result from the conflict. The first master narrative tells the tale of the indigenous Mayan population being brutally oppressed over centuries by European and American powers. The continuums of colonial tradition lead to mass abuses of human rights which lead the oppressed population to look towards supporting insurgent groups. This narrative brings to light the voices of the people and state and can be viewed through the vast literature which creates its own Testimonio genre. The second and opposite narrative regards the more recent role that the United States has played in Guatemala. In particular, with regards to the involvement that the CIA had in supporting the Guatemalan government in order to eradicate the leftist forces within the country. Ultimately, the argument stands that the United States was a significant factor in causing the Guatemalan Civil war. It stands as one of the reasons why Guatemala had such a poor economic infrastructure. Moreover, this infrastructure provided the dissent that led to the creation of insurgent groups which so threatened U.S. political ideology. This threat enabled the U.S. to intervene and turn a civil war into an international conflict. In the context of Latin America, the testimonio was a crucially important form of literature that represented the first master narrative mentioned. John Beverley in the book The Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America describes testimonio as: a noveltold in the first person by a narrative who is also a real protagonist or witness of the event he or she recounts[3]. Testimonios are accounts in which the author uses their experience as an agent of collective memory or identity. Through these first-hand accounts, readers can ascertain a certain truth derived from a situation of oppression that can challenge and even correct so called official history. Beatriz Manz is an example of a testimonio author. Alongside Manz, other famous works of Testimonio surrounding Guatemala exist; the most notable being Me llamo Rigoberta Menchà º y asà me nacià ³ la conciencia. Menchà ºs story narrates the tortures faced by a poor Quichà © peasant family, who had to migrate every ye ar to large coffee plantations in order to survive. The story tells how her family were mistreated; she herself did not attend school, and her brothers died of malnutrition. The main argument Menchà º has is that the economic hardships within the country lead to her gross mistreatment. Following the accusation that her family was involved in the guerrilla movement, one of her brothers was arrested, tortured and killed in 1979; her father was killed by security forces and her mother died after being tortured and raped. Menchà º tells a heart wrenching story that brought the Guatemalan struggle to the forefront of international interests, however it is not without its flaws. One of the central issues with regards to testimonio is the authenticity and veracity of the voice. Sklodowska cautions it would be naive to assume a direct homology between text and history. The discourse of a witness cannot be a reflection of his or her experience, but rather a refraction determined by the vic issitudes of memory, intention, ideology.[4] This is something that American anthropologist David Stoll assesses in his book, Menchà º and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans. Stoll makes the bold statement that the events described in Menchà ºs testament are exaggerated in an effort to amass support for the guerrilla movement. Testimonios represent the fine balance between fiction and history; emotion and fact. In the eyes of Menchà º, the U.S. played a crucial role in promulgating the civil war. Stolls criticisms could be undermined by the fact that his stance is from a Western point of view, which disregards the nature in which history has been testimonial in Mayan culture for centuries .[5] In this sense, Menchà º wasnt attempting to tell a completely accurate story of her family, if not relay the struggles of her people. Her story has since contributed to the greater good by bringing to light the vast abuses of human rights that the Guatemalans faced for decades.[6] This economic hardship that Menchà º describes can be traced back centuries to initial American involvement. Chairman Henry Kissinger oversaw the creation of The Report of the Presidents National Bipartisan Commission on Central America in a hope to establish a consensus for Central American administration. Described as well-informed laymen who took a six-month odyssey into the terra incognita[7] of Central America; the commission members intricately analyzed the political, economic and social problems of Guatemala. The conclusion was reached that inevitable U.S. intervention was favorable. However, like a Gordian knot, the report never successfully resolved the tension between U.S. security interests in the area and the admitted need for radical change in many Central American societies. I take issue with regards to the vernacular used throughout the report, as the U.S. seems to absolve itself of any responsibility for causing the very problems that the report encompasses, and implies it has moral responsibility to fix these issues. For instance, the report accounts the negative long-lasting Spanish colonial legacy in Central America, yet only briefly describes the significant influence of the United States in the centuries predeceasing the Guatemalan crisis. The semi-feudal system established by Spain over three centuries ago set a precedent for an inability of indigenous peoples to self-govern and integrate into the colonial political system. Whilst this is a valid point for assessing the development of the turmoil within Guatemala, the U.S certainly did not take as much of a back seat as the report would have us believe implementing a passive Good Neighbor Policy which sought to see all neighboring countries stable, orderly and prosperous[8]. Focusing on two instances in the early 20th Century; Colombia and Nicaragua for instance, it becomes evident that America did not take as passive an approach to Latin America as the report would have us believ e. Active American involvement in Central America can span back to The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 in which America planned to protect Latin American states from European expansionism. Substantiated by the Roosevelt Corollary in 1904, the doctrine created a precedent for the justification of intervention on account of political ideology.[9] The commission report serves as an example of this policy being enacted as it claims that U.S. intervention during the early 20th Century was focused on promoting the stability and solvency of local governments so as to keep other nations out.[10] Intervention in Guatemala, for instance can be seen as pre-emptive interventionalism hoping to fix the wrongdoings in Latin America. In Roosevelts State of Union Address, the use of international police power was therefore excused as a justification for involvement in Latin America.[11] Moreover, Guatemala was of upmost economic importance to the U.S., which historically had wanted to create an economic hegemony in Latin America in order to diminish European Imperial expansion.[12] This pseudo American Imperialism makes it evident that U.S. expansionism was deeply rooted in a sense of Manifest Destiny. The Banana Wars that shaped U.S. Foreign Policy towards Latin America and American military involvement across the continent as a whole, stand as symbols of this economic relationship that the U.S hoped to establish. Joseph Freeman and Scott Nearing place American financial imperialism within a Marxist context. The Colombian uprisings against U.S. canal rights in the Panama Canal resulted in American military involvement[13]. This perfectly exemplifies the argument in which military force was used to broker economic expansion. The Panama Canal sets a sinister precedent which would then see future U.S. military involvement in Guatemala decades later. The report was written with a post-Vietnam/post Iraq cynicism, which could result in why rhetoric of a civilising mission was used to justify aggressive exploitative expansionism. The rebellions in Nicaragua stood as inspiration for Guatemalans during the 60s and 70s as they hoped they could utilize similar tactics in order to regain control of their country. Insurgent groups formed in Guatemala as a result, as described by Manz; The growth of social movements in Guatemala took place in the turbulent context of Central America in the late 1970s and early 1980sâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦ Social upheavals and indiscriminate repression both were escalating throughout the region.[14] These mounting social problems combined with shrinking political options proved to be a volatile combination that finally erupted into armed confrontation.[15] From the standpoint of the Guatemalans; the Sandinista guerilla movement had proven successful in the catalysis of the Nicaraguan Revolution in 1979. Manz describes the revolutionary atmosphere that surrounded Guatemala, and notes that the Guatemalan insurgents and many supporters thought that if victory had already taken place in Nicaragua and seemed possible in El Salvador, why not in Guatemala?[16] As mentioned, the peak of the Guatemalan civil war occurred at a very similar time to the peak of the Cold War. This meant that the U.S. turned its focus on to its southern neighbors as they turned to communism. The consequences of this meant that ordinary local conflict would soon have an international audience as Guatemala would become another battle ground in the Cold War. Arguably motivated out of fear; the U.S. provided immense military and economic aid to Guatemala; much of the fighting took place at the height of the Cold War and the combatants were well aware of U.S. support for the Guatemalan military.[17] As stated by Kissinger, the U.S. was concerned of the intrusion into Central America by aggressive external powers[18]. The fear that Cuban or Soviet backing would support the insurgent groups, led to the U.S. providing tacit support to the Guatemalan Government. This U.S. support gave the Guatemalan government both a military and political upper hand, whilst intrinsically tying the corrupt ruling elite to external American influence. This cascade of events that followed U.S. intervention in to Guatemala placed the country firmly within a Cold War context; where ideology played a substantial role in rallying support by even the indigenous peoples; who believed they too, were fighting for justice. However, was this intervention completely necessary, and did it exacerbate and prolong the civil war? The report briefly touches on this notion, which a disagreement with regards to the conditionality of U.S. intervention. Should there be a link between U.S. support and improvements in Latin Americas execrable human rights record. Such a notion implies awareness for the deterioration of the human rights that America was c ausing, however, they feared a Marxist-Leninist victory in El Salvador, and therefore this notion was consequently ignored. The report believes that in order to fight an expanding army of communist guerrillas, U.S. must continue to provide support to the armed forces. A peace agreement is long overdue in Guatemala. Following almost three decades of armed conflict and brutal injustice; Guatemala is owed a transformed society with democratic leadership, increased rights for the abused Mayan people, end to the U.S. military backing, constitutional reform, and an improvement of the socio-economic and socio-political issues. Whilst in my opinion, the main forces behind the war in Guatemala were the economic oppression and daily violence which led to the creation of the insurgent groups that so threatened the American political status quo. The economic oppression was inflicted primarily by the governing elite, however, as a sole factor this could not have led to a war of such gross magnitude. America played a significant role. The years of colonial oppression implemented by America into their southern neighbours had an underrated lasting economic consequence. By default, the U.S. had a much larger responsibility in causing the Guatemalan Civil war than is initially apparent. Such destructive and protracted conflict could not have amassed had it not been for the influence of the international community. Guatemala today has still not recovered. The lives of millions have been shattered, and America should be owed a much larger blame than any other country. Bibliography Berryman, P. The Religious Roots of Rebellion, (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1984) Beverley, J., The Real Thing (Our Rigoberta), (Modern Language Quarterly 57:2:1986) CIA The World Factbook, 20 Nov. 2008, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Dec. 2008 Grandin, G. The Last Colonial Massacre(The University of Chicago Press, 2004) Kissinger, H. The Report of the Presidents National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, (Macmillan, 1984) LeoGrande, W.M, Our own Backyard, The United State in Central America 1977-1992(The University of orth Carolina Press, 1998) Levenson-Estrada, D. Trade Unionists Against Terror (The University of North Carolina Press, 1994) Manz, B. and N. Aryeh, Paradise in Ashes A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror, and Hope, (New York: University of California P, 2004) McClintock, M. Roosevelt, T. Theodore Roosevelts Annual Address to Congress (December 6th 1904) accessed via http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=truedoc=56page=transcript Smith, R. The United States and the Latin American Sphere of Influence, (Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1981) [1]CIA The World Factbook Guatemala, CIA The World Factbook, 20 Nov. 2008, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Dec. 2008 [2] B. Manz; A. Neier, Paradise in Ashes A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror, and Hope, (New York: University of California P, 2004), 16-17. [3], G. M. Gugelberger, T he Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America, (Duke University Press, 1996), p.34 [4], G. M. Gugelberger, T he Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America, (Duke University Press, 1996), p.34 [5]J. Beverley, The Real Thing (Our Rigoberta), (Modern Language Quarterly 57:2:1986), p.129-235 [7] H. A. Kissinger, The Report of the Presidents National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, (Macmillan, 1984), p.1 [8] H. A Kissinger, The Report of the Presidents National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, (Macmillan, 1984), p.34 [9] J. Monroe, The Monroe Doctrine, December U.S. Department of State. Retrieved November 2, 2011. [10] H. A Kissinger, The Report of the Presidents National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, (Macmillan, 1984), p.34 [11] T. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelts Annual Address to Congress (December 6th 1904) accessed via http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=truedoc=56page=transcript [12] R. F. Smith,The United States and the Latin American Sphere of Influence, (Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1981), p. 10 [13] R. F. Smith,The United States and the Latin American Sphere of Influence, (Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1981), p. 10 [14]B. Manz; A. Neier, Paradise in Ashes A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror, and Hope, (New York: University of California P, 2004) p. 96 [15] B. Manz; A. Neier, Paradise in Ashes A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror, and Hope, (New York: University of California P, 2004) p. 46 [16] B. Manz,; A. Neier, , Paradise in Ashes A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror, and Hope, (New York: University of California P, 2004) p. 96 [17] B. Manz; A. Neier, , Paradise in Ashes A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror, and Hope, (New York: University of California P, 2004) p. 224 [18] H. A. Kissinger, The Report of the Presidents National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, (Macmillan, 1984), p.36
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